Chapter 15: Are You Healed Yet?

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You heard Colby slide down against the door.

Brennen: Jen, you need to listen to me very carefully. Follow my every word, or else.

Jen: Okay.

Brennen pulled out his phone and started an audio recording. 

Brennen: May I?

He said gesturing to your shirt. He looked you in the eyes and mouthed "say 'yes'."

Jen: Yes.

It hurt you so much to say. Brennen stopped the audio recording. He moved his hands up your shirt taking it off slowly. He forced his lips on yours. You started crying, but he didn't care he undone the button on your jeans and slid his hand down your thigh, removing your jeans. He bit your bottom lip as he drew circles around your underwear line. He started kissing your neck and moving down your chest toward your stomach, leaving hickeys for you to remember him by. When he got to around where your stitches were on your side you felt a boiling pain in your side. You let out a scream.

Brennen: Did I do something wrong?

Jen: No. I guess I'm just not fully healed yet.

His eyes fell to around your neck area. His hand traced the line over the necklace he bought you all those years ago.

Brennen: You still have it?

You wear it all the time to remind you not to make the same mistake you did with Brennen.

Jen: Yeah. I do.

Brennen: You really did like me huh?

You swallowed your pride and just agreed, hoping he would stop.

Jen: Yeah, I guess.

Brennen: I should get going. I don't want to hurt you again. I'll be back in two weeks to see if you're fully healed. 

You felt relief as he said he was leaving. You were just scared for two weeks from now. 

Brennen: Oh, there's one more thing you should know, it wasn't a nightmare, and Colby didn't grab your leg.

He walked out of your bedroom and left your house. You just sat on your bed and cried. Colby made sure your door was locked and came and sat with you.

Colby: What did he make you do?

You: He made me lie so he wouldn't go to jail, he made me act like I liked it. He made me lie about why I wear the necklace he gave me.

Colby: Wait- when did he give you a necklace?

Jen: A couple years ago when he first asked me out.

Colby: You two dated?

Jen: Yeah. It's a long story that you probably don't want to listen to.

Colby: I want to know what happened. Jen, I love you.

Colby turned your face toward him and kissed you softly on the lips. The kiss deepened. The next thing you know, he's on top of you. You're still only in your underwear and bra. His hands slipped under your bra and he was already well in to giving you the tongue. His hands started wandering more and more. Something inside you told you to stop. You gave in.

Jen: Stop.

Colby did as you said.

Colby: Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you?

Jen: No. Something just doesn't feel right.

You looked into his eyes and all you could think was: maybe this is all he wants. Your eyes began to get teary. Tears fell from your eyes.

Colby: Then why are you crying babe?

Jen: It's nothing Colby.

You said, looking away from him and wiping away the tears. He moved from on top of you to beside you.

Colby: I'm sorry if I-

Jen: Stop apologizing for Christ's sake! You didn't do anything.

Colby: Then why are you crying?

Jen: Colby I told you it's fucking nothing!

You said, walking toward your dresser and putting on fresh clothes. You walked out of your room. You darted for the front door. You walked outside and felt the fresh air on your face. You kept walking. You heard footsteps behind you. 

Colby: Jen, where are you going?

You ignored him. You began to walk faster. He started running, when he caught up to you he grabbed your wrist.

Jen: What do you want from me?!

You yelled as you stopped walking because of the grip he had on your arm.

Colby: Calm down and answer me.

Jen: I- I just need some time alone.

Colby: It's too dangerous. 

Jen: I'll be fine Colby! Just leave me alone!

You ran away from him. You wished you didn't kiss him. You didn't want to move this fast. You needed to know where his intentions were. Sure, he can say that he would wait for you to be ready, but who knows if he really would? You went to Suicide Bridge and went under the bridge to get yourself together. You cried a bit knowing that no one was there. You went and grabbed the spare pen and paper you left under a rock. You wrote another letter to Violet.

Dear Violet,

I miss you, a lot. I need your advice. The same thing happened to me, only you dealt with it differently. 

You started to run out of things to say and gave up on writing the letter to her. You crumbled up the paper and threw it. You heard a crunch behind you and turned around. You heard a voice you didn't recognize from behind a pillar.

???: I didn't know that anyone else came here. 

Bullied By Colby BrockTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang