Chapter 78: Prom Pt. 1 (Time Skip Later In Chapter)

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This song represents how Jen felt about her life when she was in high school.

Also, the pictures of the dresses and tuxes are everyone's Prom outfits for later in the chapter.

A few moments of silence passed over the phone.

"Does Ash know yet?" Haley asked in a hushed tone.

Peyton: No. I don't know how to tell him, Hales.

Haley sighed.

"When he gets his memory back, you need to meet up with him and tell him. This isn't a conversation to have over the phone." Haley lectured.

Peyton: Don't you think I know that Haley?! Ash is in my room right now and he has all his memories back.

I snapped.

"Well go tell him! I gotta go, I have a customer. We'll talk more about this later."

"Bye." I whispered.

Haley hung up and I shoved my phone in my back pocket. There's no way I can tell Ash yet. He'll freak. I cleaned myself up in the mirror and went back to Ash. I passed everything off as just mood swings.

* 2 Months Later*

*Ash's POV*

Colby: You look scared. Calm down.

Ash: Of course I'm scared! It's Senior Prom for god's sake!

I yelled.

Jen: I went to Prom with your brother.

Will: Only as friends. Don't freak out even more.

Will quickly clarified.

Ash: I'm not freaking out, I'm just worried.

Selene: Sure.

Selene spoke with sarcasm.

Jen: What are you worried about then?

I frowned and sat down on the couch. Peyton's been acting weird lately. It's like she's hiding something from me. It's frustrating, but every time if I ask if she's okay, she always shrugs it off like it's nothing.

Ash: I think Peyton's going to break up with me...

Jen: What?!
Colby: Why?!
Selene: No way!
Will: You're just tripping.

They all spoke at the same time.

Ash: She's been acting distant lately. Like she wants to tell me something but she also doesn't want to.

Will: Maybe she's pregnant.

Will joked but managed a straight face.

I doubled over in laughter.

Ash: That's the funniest thing I've heard today.

Will's expression hadn't changed.

Will: I'm serious Ash.

Ash: No way, she'd tell me something that important.

I replied, rolling my eyes at his suggestion.

Selene: Unless it's not your baby.

Everyone gave her surprised looks except for me.

Selene: Don't act like all of you weren't thinking that too.

Colby opened his mouth to speak, but shut after and just nodded in agreement.

Ash: Peyton wouldn't cheat on me. When we git into a fight and I got really drunk, she paid somebody for a stage kiss. If she couldn't even kiss someone else, what makes you guys think she would bang someone else?

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