Chapter 83: Suspicion

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This song represents the way Claire felt after her mother died on the island and she had to figure out how to live in fear.

(Picture of Miles above ↑)

*Claire's POV*

Miles: I thought you said she didn't talk, eh?

Colby: Peyton, you said she didn't.

Peyton: That's what we were told.

Claire: It was the first time since I left the island-

Miles: You lived in Hawaii? That's bloody amazing.

Claire: If you call an island where I was the only human there and I had to run from animals everyday Hawaii then yeah, I lived in Hawaii.

See? This is why I don't talk. I say the first thing that pops in my head. At least I was smart enough to catch myself before I said supernatural creatures. Miles' grinning face fell and looked at me a little confused.

Claire: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I haven't had a real conversation in an incredibly long time. 

I looked down at the ground, embarrassed. What if they take me back to the orphanage because they think I'm rude?

Colby: She sounds like the female version of Will, only this one actually apologizes.

Jen: Not now Colby. She just got here. We don't need you and Will at each other's throats right now. Or ever.

Selene: Just threaten to cut his penis off. It always works with Will.

Miles: Wait, you actually threatened to cut off his donger?

Will: If that's Australian for penis, then yes.

Miles gaped at them and I laughed a little at his face.

Miles: That's bloody terrifying.

I had decided that I had talked enough... unless I was talking to Miles. I mean, he's actually interested in knowing me and he's my age.

Peyton: I'm gonna show Claire her room, she's probably pretty tired and it's been a long day so I wouldn't blame her for wanting to get some sleep.

Will: Does she know yet?

Peyton and Ash shook their heads urgently with their eyes widened.

Ash: We were going to wait until she gets settled in.

Selene: She's going to freak out. You should tell her as soon as possible.

Okay, now I'm interested. I honestly can't think of something for me to freak out about... unless one of them is an Incubus, which is highly unlikely.

Claire: After being on an island alone for two years, almost nothing can freak me out.

Miles: Two years?! What the bloody hell happened?!

Miles exclaimed while grabbing my hand. I gave him a weird look but didn't pull my hand away.

Miles: Excuse my language, mate. I didn't mean to butt into your bizzo.

I just nodded my head, but he deserved a reply so I gave him one.

Claire: My cruise ship crashed and I was the only survivor. Everybody else died, including my mom.

Miles: Claire, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. You just got here.

I smiled at him. The way he said my name with his accent made me all giddy inside.

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