Chapter 7: Nothing Lasts Forever

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The nurses rushed in everything passed in a blur. I ended up back in the waiting room. I didn't know what to do besides cry. After about two hours the nurse came out.

Nurse: Are you the boyfriend?

Colby: Yes.

I said, even though Jen would kill me if she heard me say that.

Nurse: We have some bad news. She's allergic to the painkillers that we gave her earlier, that's why she had a seizure. She'll just have to tough it out until she feels better.

Colby: Okay, how long do you plan on keeping her here?

Nurse: At the least, two and a half weeks. We still have to run some tests.

Colby: Any advice?

I know, asking the nurse for advice, but is anyone else here to ask?

Nurse: She's a strong one, keep her, and don't fuck up.

She laughed at her word choice, then she turned on her heels and went to finish her rounds, or something like that.


They finally let me back in the room. She was unconscious. I haven't talked to her about Brennen yet, I wanted her to stop hurting first. I was afraid to lay my hand on hers knowing that I may accidentally hurt her. I jumped as she spoke.

Jen: Don't worry, you won't hurt me Colby.

Colby: Are you sure?

She nodded her head 'yes'

Jen: I find it funny how just a few days ago, you couldn't keep your hands off me, now you're afraid to touch me.

I smiled and leaned over to whisper in her ear.

Colby: You just wait, soon, you'll have your hands all over me, Jen.

Jen: Keep telling yourself that.

Colby: I will.

Jen: How long am I stuck in this hellhole anyway?

Colby: Two more weeks.

Jen: Oh God. Two weeks, with you.

Colby: Don't worry baby, I'll make it fun.

Jen: It hasn't been a month yet, I'm not your 'baby'.

I rolled my eyes at her response.

Colby: Fine.

I said, giving in.

Colby: Babygirl. That better?

Jen: No not that either Colbs.

Colby: Why aren't your parents here? The nurses called them, but they didn't answer.

Jen: Business trip. Remember?

Colby: Yeah, but shouldn't they at least know you're here?

Jen: Yeah, hand me my phone.

Colby: Jen, we don't know if you have a concussion yet, so you can't be on your phone.

Jen: Damn it.

Colby: What's their number? I'll call them then give the phone to you.

Jen: My moms number is 

I punched in the numbers and gave the phone to Jen. After a few rings someone answered.

Jen's Mom: Hello? Who is this?

Jen: It's Jen.

Jen's Mom: Oh hey, are you okay? Who's phone are you calling from?

Jen: I'm calling from a friend's phone. I got into an accident. I'm at the hospital. It's pretty bad.

Bullied By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now