Chapter 79: Prom Pt. 2

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This song represents how Colby feels when he and Jen get into fights.

Picture of Jack above ↑↑ (he comes in later in this chapter) Also, if you're a fan of the TV show "Legacies", hit me up, we need to be friends.

*Ash's POV*

I haven't seen Peyton since we got here. She said she went to go use the bathroom and she's been in here for at least forty-five minutes. I went to go find Haley to see if she's seen her. Haley and Nathan were sitting at a table together and Nathan was rubbing Haley's feet because of the heels she was wearing. That's what real love looks like. Like the love Peyton and I have.

Ash: Hey, have you guys seen Peyton?

Haley: She was hanging out with Jack and his friends.

Jack was the school's drug dealer. What's Peyton doing with him? Please don't tell me that she's addicted. That could explain why she's so distant with me. She does want me to know about it.

I'll pay for her rehab, even if it does come out of my college fund. I put her above everyone and everything else because she's the reason I'm alive. I took a seat at the table beside Nathan.

Ash: Is Peyton on drugs?

Haley answered me quickly.

Haley: No. She just... wanted to hang with Jack.

Ash: Haley, tell me the truth. Is Peyton going to break up with me?

Haley: No.

I felt relieved for a second before confusion made it way into my brain.

Ash: Then what's wrong with her if she's not pregnant, not addicted, and not going to break up with me? I know you notice it too.

Haley: I can't tell you, Ash. That's Peyton's job. If you think there's something wrong, take it up with her.

Nathan: And just so you know, last time I saw Jack, he was at one of the tables in the back.

I nodded my head and got up to find my girlfriend, but before I could do anything, there was a panicked Jack standing in front of me. He had blood all over him, which made me anxious.

Jack: Peyton collapsed. She started bleeding everywhere and I called 911. They're on their way. The damn chaperones are drunk off their asses during the moment you really need 'em. I found some students that are studying nursing and they're with her now.

I felt my heart drop to my feet as I heard the front doors open and EMTs rush in.


*Peyton's POV*

When we arrived at Prom, I immediately felt sick. I hurried off to the bathroom and puked in the toilet. God, this pregnancy thing was really taking a toll on me.

I'm surprised I'm not showing yet. After all, it had been two months. I wanted to tell Ash but tonight is not the right time. It's Senior Prom, it's time to have some fun with all of our friends before college. But, there's one thing I have to do first.

I cleaned myself up and walked out of the bathroom. The person I was looking for was at one of the tables in the back. When I inhaled the smell of fresh pot, I knew I was near him.

Peyton: Hey Jack, you still get off to graveyards?

I joked while approaching him, referring to the time I caught him jacking off in a cemetery where I was waiting to meet Ash when my mom hated him.

Jack: Real funny. Whatchu doin' here, Sawyer?

I rolled my eyes. Surprisingly, this was him when he wasn't under the influence of drugs. His friends we're the ones smoking pot at a school dance.

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