Chapter 63: Secret Santa 🎅

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You heard the back door open, breaking you away from your thoughts.

Ash: I'm good now. So, how are we going to do this 'Secret Santa' thing?

Jen: I put all of your names in a bowl, including mine and each one of you draw from it. You have to get the person you draw at least three things. Last rule is that the person you draw can't know that you are the one that got it for them until the give it to you on Christmas. If you don't know what to get someone, ask someone they're close to or something like that, you guys can team up too if you want, help each other out.

Ash: Let's just get this over with.

You pulled out a bowl which already had the names in it.

Colby: Can I go first?!

Colby asked with a child-like smile.

Jen: Sure Colbs.

You said, smiling.

*Colby's POV*

I wanted to get Ash so bad. I knew exactly what to get him. I stuck my hand in the bowl and grabbed a piece of paper. It said 'Ash'.

Colby: YES!!

I yelled in excitement.

Jen: Who's next?

Peyton: I'll go.

*Peyton's POV*

I stuck my hand in and I grabbed a small piece of paper. I pulled it out and it read 'Jen.' My mind wondered to what I would get her.

Haley: I'll go next!

*Haley's POV*

I stuck my hand in the bowl happily and plucked out a piece of paper. My smile fell when I read the name. 'Colby.' The one person I have no clue what to get for.

Haley: Oh shit.

Ash: Guys! Haley James cussed! It's a miracle! My best friend isn't an innocent little bitch anymore!

Everyone except me laughed and I just rolled my eyes. I didn't take Ash's words offensively. No one did, we all know that he always jokes around with people.

Haley: Just because I don't cuss rapidly doesn't mean I'm innocent.

Ash: Oh please, have you ever even owned a sex toy?

Peyton: Have you? Because if I remember correctly, you were a virgin when we stared dating.

Ash looked at Peyton wide-eyed.

Ash: Nathan, you should go next.

He said nervously.

Nathan: Okay.

*Nathan's POV*

I'm glad that I found some friends. Some actual friends. Not those douchebags I call my 'teammates' in basketball. It feels nice to actually fit in with people. I'm trying to change into a better person and being friends with Haley's friends is helping. At this point, Ash is probably my best friend. We really bonded at the dock, even if he was mostly made of alcohol then. He realized that I was actually going to be there for Haley and not hurt her. I stuck my hand in the bowl and grabbed the piece of paper I pulled it out and it read 'Haley.' At least it would be easy to get her stuff.

Ash: Just because I owned it doesn't mean I used it!

Ash said, clearly not meaning to say that as loud as he did. Peyton face palmed and shook her head while laughing.

Jen: I'm just going to ignore that and go next.

*Jen's POV*

You stuck your hand in the bowl and grabbed a piece of paper. You got Nathan. You had no clue what to get him. All you knew is that he liked basketball.

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