Chapter 88: Help

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No song in media box this chapter because I couldn't find one that wasn't a repeat of something I've already done, but next chapter will have a song.

(Picture of Ethan above ↑)

*Miles' POV*

I sat on the floor of the bathroom, trembling. My face was tear-soaked and I couldn't see correctly. My vision was full of dots and I felt like I had no energy whatsoever. I had heard someone come in but I couldn't find the will to care. Someone knocked on the stall door.

Will: Miles, It's Will. I'm here.

I lifted my hand up and unlocked the latch. My body slumped back down and Will rushed to my side.

Will: It's okay, Miles. I know you're hurting but everything will be okay.

I was still whimpering and crying from the trauma of shifting.

Miles: I'm so sorry. I tried the breathing thing you taught me and-

Will put his hand on my shoulder to get my attention.

Will: Miles, it's fine. You're stronger than I am, therefore, your urges will be stronger than mine are.

I felt another stab of pain rip through my body.

Miles: I need Claire!

I yelled unintentionally, panting after the pain ceased for a few seconds.

Will: Okay. We'll get Claire. Just come to the car with me and I'll get Claire.

This made me calm down tremendously. Being near her would help me feel so much better. Will wrapped a blanket around me that he had brought with him to hide my back.

Will picked me up and carried me out to the car. The halls were empty because everyone was either at lunch or in class. Once Will carried me to the car and sat me in the back, he called someone.

Not too long after he had called them, he told me he was going to get Claire and that he would be back soon. When he came back with Claire, my heart sped up from just seeing her. When she saw me in the backseat, she looked sympathetic for me.

She sat beside me and looked me up and down worriedly, looking for wounds. My differences had gradually disappeared but I was still anxious, in pain, and drained of energy.

I couldn't help but hug her. When I did, the pain eased up and my worries drifted away because she was in my arms. Safe in my arms. I heard Will climb in the car and the car start. When he drove somewhat fast, my grip on Claire tightened and I made sure I was blocking her from the windshield if we crashed. The car ride went by way too fast for my liking.

When we got home, I whimpered again because Claire would leave my embrace and I would be alone again. Claire ran her finger through my hair and I made eye contact with her.

Claire: Let's go inside and you can take a nap.

She smiled, opening my door for me. I got out of the car and she got out of my door since she had basically sat in the middle of the backseat. I put my arm on her shoulder for support while walking and just because I wanted to touch her. She put her arm around my waist and helped me walk inside. Will held the door open for us and he smirked at me.

Will: Don't have too much fun.

He mumbled.

Miles: I think fun is physically impossible for me right now.

I grunted while Claire continued to help me to my room.

Will: Don't test it. It's easier than you think. Especially if you're not the dominant one.

Bullied By Colby Brockजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें