Chapter 17: Brothers?

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It felt like time slowed down, your brain was trying to comprehend everything. Colby was confused also. He turned to you.

Colby: When did you two meet?

Ash could tell that you were still comprehending that he was there- he just didn't know why. So, he answered the question.

Ash: Yesterday, under Suicide Bridge. I'm assuming you're her boyfriend.

Ash said with a bit too much confidence. Colby turned to you.

Colby: And you didn't tell me?

Jen: You were so happy that I was back, I just didn't think that it would matter that much.

Colby: You didn't think it would matter that much?!?! You could have gotten raped for all you know.

His voice raised to a yell.

Jen: It wouldn't be the first time, would it?

Colby immediately feels bad while Ash is in disbelief.

Ash: First off, I would never do that and second...

He turned to you.

Ash: I'm sorry that happened to you.

There is a few seconds of silence as everyone was taking in information. Will suddenly appeared at the door.

Will: Is everyone okay? I heard yelling.

Jen: Yeah, we were just having a minor disagreement.

Will: Okay, well, this is my brother, Ash, and my mother and father should be here in like... 30 minutes.

Your suspicions were true, Ash was Will's brother.

Will: Come on in, we're just waiting on them to get here then everyone will be here.

All of you guys walk in and Colby sits down on one of the two couches and Ash sits on the other.

Jen: Will, do you have a sec?

Will: Sure.

You both walked out the the back patio and you decided to tell him everything.

Will: Did Brennen show up again?

Jen: I actually wanted to talk about Ash.

Will: Why? What happened? Did he flirt with you? Dammit I told him to stop making the company uncomfortable.

Jen: Actually, no he didn't.

You laughed out.

Yesterday, I went to Suicide Bridge. I was under the bridge and found Ash hiding behind a beam. He said that he went there because two years ago, his brother lost a person he had a huge crush on and he wasn't ever the same and he went to the bridge, wanting his brother back. I don't think you have another brother, so, do you care to explain?

Will: He told you that?

Jen: Yeah.

He bit his lip, deciding whether or not to tell you.

Will: I told my family about you... But, I told them you died. Just not the way you originally planned to. I thought it would be easier but since the day I found you in the bathtub, bleeding from your wrists, I've never been the same. I always worry about you. You know I can't stop the feelings I have for you. If I could turn it off like a switch, I would, but I can't. I've always felt this way about you. Only you.

Will is a pretty attractive guy, most girls at your school want him. He just doesn't feel the same way. He's not one to have meaningless sex. Out of all the girls in your school, he likes you. One of the only girls who doesn't feel the same way. You reached out and held his hand. Not in a romantic way, just to try to soothe him with what you were about to tell him.

Jen: Will, stop, you don't need to. You need to worry about Ash. He's your brother. Also, I know the way you feel, but there's other girls out there. Other girls that will like you back in that way. There's someone out there for you that's not me.

Will: I'll try harder to be the person I was before, and I've felt this way about you for four years. I've tried so hard to make it go away, but it won't, it only makes it stronger.

You pulled your hand away quickly.

Jen: Can we please not talk about four years ago?

You said, looking off to the side, trying to hide the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes from remembering that very moment that was very easily the worst day of your life. You were only stupid teenagers is what you always told yourself. That what you two did didn't mean anything. That you hadn't loved him at one point in your life... That everytime you look in his eyes you don't see the tears that you did that day. That you don't see how hurt he was when you seen him the next day. You shook your head, letting the memory go away.

Will: We don't have to. That was a terrible day for both of us.

Jen: They're probably about to kill each other in there alone. Especially since Colby already doesn't like him.

Will nodded and you both went back inside to see Colby and Ash. Colby ignored your presence, you could tell he was mad because you didn't tell him about Ash. Surprisingly, they weren't fighting. It hadn't even looked like they had talked.

You sat beside Colby silently. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders protectively. You rolled your eyes because Colby was acting childish because he thought Ash might steal you from him. You pushed his arm off. Colby looked at you heartbroken.

Colby: What's wrong babe?

Jen: We need to talk.

Colby: About what?

Jen: Us.

You and Colby went outside to talk. You turned to him.

Jen: Please stop acting like Ash is a threat. You're acting childish.

Colby: He obviously wants you, why can't you just see that?

Jen: Colby you're delusional. You're just scared of losing me. At least try to be nice to him. Please ?

Colby: Fine.

You and Colby had just finished talking when Brennen's truck came down the road.

Jen: Lets go inside.

You and Colby ran inside as Brennen's truck stopped in front of Will's house.

Colby: Will, Brennen is here.

Will: The hell he is.

The front door opened before anyone could do anything.

Brennen and an older couple walked in.

I'm starting something new to really engage with the people who read my stories. So, I will give lyrics to a song and if you know it comment the song. I will use song that I personally love. The first person who guesses it correctly will receive a shout out. NO CHEATING. So here's the song:

"I try to face the fight within, but it's over. I'm ready for the riot to begin, and surrender. I walked the path that lead me to the end. Remember, I'm caught beneath with nothing left to give, forever."

Bullied By Colby BrockOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz