Chapter 30: Cops pt. 3

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You put a hand on his chest to stop him.

Jen: No.

He looked you in the eyes and scoffed. He moved back and looked defeated.

Blake: In that case, you're free to leave, but we'll need you back when Ash is released for more questioning.

You nodded your head. You got out of the room as fast as you could. Blake was directly behind you. Colby was waiting for you by the front entrance. You ran to him. He embraced you in a tight hug. He whispered in your ear.

Colby: Did he do anything to you?

You whispered to prevent Blake from hearing you.

Jen: We can talk about that later, we just need to leave.

At that moment, a car pulled up and Colby checked his phone. You seen the girl cop that Blake called Callie buttoning her shirt, as if it had been unbuttoned. You thought about what Blake said. Was he right? Colby spoke before you could say anything.

Colby: That's our Uber driver.

It was now dark outside and the rain hadn't stopped. You trotted out to the Uber.

*Colby's POV*


The girl cop had taken me to a interview room. Before the door fully closed I caught a glimpse of Blake dragging Jen to a room. I wanted to help her. I turned to the cop.

Colby: What do you want to know? I'll do anything, just let me help her.

The cop bursted out in laughter.

Cop: Calm down, Blake is harmless. Well, actually, I shouldn't say that... Blake more than likely won't do anything. He usually just scares them, but sometimes, he actually wants it.

Colby: Just hurry this up, Jennings needs me.

Cop: So you'll do anything to get out of here.

She said, unbuttoning her shirt and biting her bottom lip. I put my hand over my eyes.

Colby: Except that.

Cop: You're no fun.

I waited five seconds and uncovered my eyes. She never fixed her shirt.

Cop: Go in there and sit down, I'll be in there in a second.

I nodded I sat in a chair on one end if the table. The girl came in the room not long after.

Colby: For God's sake, would fix your shirt?

Cop: Why? Is it a... Distraction.

She said, unbuttoning it even more. I looked for the cameras. I found one.

Cop: Don't worry, I turned off the cameras. Your precious Jennings will never find out.

She said, sitting on the table and putting her hand on mine. I moved my hand quickly. She became mad at me rejecting her.

Cop: I wouldn't be surprised if you went out there and heard her screaming Blake's name.

I felt the anger rise up. That isn't something Jen would do. I imagined it. I was about to lose control of my anger. I thought of everything to look forward to after Ash got out of the hospital. Jen already made a promise to me about that. I wouldn't be mad if she couldn't follow through though. I would understand because of everything that has happened. In this very moment that's what I wanted, Jennings, my sweet little Jennings.

Cop: It's obvious Blake has the hots for her. I was just trying to help you cope with the fact that Jen won't be yours for much longer.

Colby: Do you wanna bet on that?

I said in an angry tone about her disbelief in Jen and I.

Cop: Stop the act Colby, all you want is sex from her. We all know that.

Colby: That's not true.

Cop: Jen is looking for a actual relationship, not just a hookup. Blake can give that to her.

Colby: So can I.

Cop: Whatever you say. Anyways, I'm Callie. What do you know about Brennen Taylor.

I explained what I knew.

Callie: Jen is as good as gone for you if being with you has caused all this.

Colby: You don't know her Callie. Don't assume things you do not know about.

Callie: Whatever, you can leave.

I walked toward the door that led to the hallway. I stopped.

Colby: Here's a tip: from now on, to get information out of people fix your damn shirt.

I kept on walking out the door. I made it to the lobby area. I stood there. I called an Uber for when Jen gets out. Callie came out of the interview room with her hair messed up and shirt unbuttoned. She made it look like we did something we didn't. She winked at me. I redirected my attention when I heard the door open to another interview room. Jen ran out and into my arms. I seen Blake staring at her ass. I whispered in her ear.


(You read the rest at the beginning if the chapter. Now we're picking up with the Uber)

*Jen's POV*

The rest of the ride passed uneventfully. When you arrived at the hospital you and Colby got out of the Uber and started walking toward the entrance. Colby stopped you.

Colby: What the hell did he do to you Jennings?


"Sometimes I need to remember just to breathe
Sometimes I need you to stay away from me
Sometimes I'm in disbelief, I didn't know
Somehow I need you to go"

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