Chapter 8: Decisions, Decisions

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*Colby's POV*

I woke up to Jen already awake.

Colby: How'd you sleep?

Jen: Good, considering...

She said as she gestured around the room.

Colby: I think it's because I'm here.

Jen: Awe. That's cute. But, no it's not you. I've always felt safe in hospitals, It helps you sleep at night when you're completely safe.

She started slurring her words, but I thought it was just because she was drowsy, which it probably was.

Colby: Even if we weren't here, I'd keep you safe.

Jen: Really?

She said, gesturing to her side.

Colby: Now that is because I left your side, which I am never doing again.

Jen: Oh God, kill me now.

She slurred her words again.

Colby: You feeling okay?

The door opened before she could answer.

Nicole: Good! You're awake!

(Nicole is the nurse if you do not remember)

Colby: What's the news, doc?

Nicole: Well the test results are back.

Her voice seemed oddly sad, I knew that they were bad, but I was holding on to hope, the only thing stronger than fear.

Colby: What are they?

My voice cracked and Jen looked at me and smiled.

Jen: Colby, it's probably nothing.

Nicole: Actually, you have bleeding in your brain, we can operate but you only have a 5% chance of surviving. On the other hand, you could just enjoy the 6 months you would have left without the procedure, but if you want the procedure, we have to know by 2 p.m. today.

It felt like my heart dropped. This can't be happening. I can't lose Jen.

Colby: There has to be some sort of mistake.

I could feel the tear roll down my face.

Nicole: I can assure you sir, there is no mistake.

Tears started gushing out of my eyes, I can't believe it. The nurse left and it was just Jen and I in the room.

Jen: Colby, it'll be okay.

Colby: No it won't Jen.

Jen: When I die, you can go back to your friends, to your life.

Colby: But Jen, I don't want to, I want to stay here with you.

Jen: Colby, you can't, you have to move on, there is no way.

Colby: I can't move on Jen.

Jen: Why not Cole?

Colby: Because I love you Jennings.

I leaned in and we kissed. We both were like statues, we didn't want to move. Our lips disconnected by a coughing at the door. I looked over and seen a middle-aged couple.

Jen: Mom, dad, you're here.

Jen's Father: What the fuck happened while we were gone?

Jen: Uh, well, it's a long story, very long story, that I sadly, don't have time to explain.

Jen's Mother: What do you mean "you don't have time?"

Jen gave me a pleading look to explain to them because she couldn't.

Colby: Well, there is bleeding in her brain, they could operate, but there is only a 5% chance of her living, or they could give her 6 months to live instead of the procedure.

They looked devastated. Her father looked at me and gave me the death stare.

Jen's Father: And who are you exactly?

Colby: Well, I'm Jen's boyfriend.

Jen: Nice try, Cole.

Colby: A guy's gotta try, right?

Jen's Mother: What the hell happened to Reed?

I felt anger rise up inside me.

Colby: Oh that asshole-

I was cut off by Jen smacking my arm and yelling at me.

Jen: Colby!

Colby: Am I lying?


Colby: He cheated on her with Anna.

After a few moments of disbelief on their faces, her father looked back at me.

Jen's Father: And who are you exactly?

Colby: Boyfriend?

Jen: Nope.

Colby: Friends with benefits?

Jen: Definitely not.

Colby: Friends?

Jen: Not that either.

Colby: A random guy that she found under a bridge.

Jen: Jackpot!

Jen's Father: Serious answer please.

I had to think for a moment on what to say without making me seem like a douche.

Jen: He's one of my friends from school.

Jen's Mother: Friends don't make out in a hospital bed.

Jen: We weren't making out!

Jen's Mother: But still.

Jen's Father: Why don't you go on home son.

I can't leave her, I won't be able to live with myself if I leave and she dies. I came up with a story.

Colby: Can't. Parents went on vacation and took the keys with them, I've been staying with Jen for the last couple days.

Jen's Father: Since you've been with her, how did this happen?

Colby: Well the day after she found out about Anna and Reed, we were about to leave school and she forgot her jacket in her locker and she went to get it as I "waited" for her by the bus. I had a bad feeling so I followed her. Brennen Taylor, the captain of the football team, was waiting for her by her locker. He beat her up, very bad, that's why she's here.

Jen's Father: You look smart, but I guess you're dumb. Why the hell did you not beat the shit out of him?

I thought of how much I wanted to hurt Brennen.

Colby: I tried so hard not to kill him. The only thing that made me not do it is the fact Jennings would kill me if I did.

Jen's Mother: Jennings? No. You're not. You can't be.

I just screwed myself by my word choice. Jen told her about me. She knows I'm the reason Violet's dead.

Jen's Mother: Get out.

Colby: No, please listen, I've changed, I'm not like that anymore.

Jen's Father: That's what they all say.

Colby: You've gotta believe me.

The door opened.

Nicole: Okay, last chance, are you having the surgery or not?

I looked at the clock, it can't be 2 pm. Sure enough, it was.

Jen: I-

Bullied By Colby BrockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora