Chapter 12: Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easily

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I threw my phone and it shattered, but it still worked. I started walking back to the hospital, which wasn't that far of a walk. I had to walk over Suicide Bridge, which brought back memories. I went to where I kissed Jen. I could imagine what it looked like, two teenagers kissing behind a bridge. I continued on my walk back to the hospital. I had to walk on the same road where I threatened Jen about being "faster and stronger". I imagined us walking to her house too. It was like reliving my own life. Soon, I got to the hospital and went to Jen's room. I looked through the tiny rectangular window on the hospital door. Jen was laying on the hospital bed, fully covered by a blanket. Will was sitting in a chair, talking to her, she started laughing, her smile was so beautiful. I didn't want to mess it up, but I had to, I had to tell her. I opened the door and walked in the room. Jen's eyes immediately lit up when she saw me.

Jen: Colby you're back!!!

She moved rather quickly out of the hospital bed. I wrapped my arms around her in a hug, I closed my eyes, taking in the moment. She pulled away after awhile. She looked into my eyes and I looked into hers. She planted her lips on mine, and I kissed her back, my hands were on her hips and my grip tightened a bit. She winced, breaking the kiss. I forgot about her side.

Colby: Oh my god, I'm so sorry Jen!

Jen: It's fine Colbs.

I had just noticed what she was wearing. She had on a grey hoodie with black shorts that were really  short.(this is a conversation that Colby had with his brain in this exact moment, ENJOY)

"Don't you make a comment Colby."

"But she looks so..."


Colby: Damn.

I said biting my lip.

"Dammit, what did I say?"

My brain was right, I should have shut up. Jen and Will both laughed surprisingly.

Colby: How are you even allowed to wear that in a hospital? It could give someone a heart attack, that someone being me.

Jen: I'm not.

"Are you being a bad girl Jen? Kinky."

"Don't you even start to think about punishment."

"Too Late"

"Why do you curse me with these images?"

Will: Well you are  being released today so, I mean, why care?

Happiness went through my body, I can't believe she's being released from the hospital today. I wasn't even mad that Will was checking her out.

Colby: You're being released today?!?!

Jen nodded her head 'yes'.

Will: Oh yeah, don't forget the promise you made, "Soon, you'll have your hands all over me Jen."

I forgot about me saying that. But it is true.

Colby: Exactly what I've been waiting for.

Jen: Not yet.

Colby: But... why not?

I said, disappointed.

Jen: Because I'm just getting out of the hospital.

Colby: Fine.

Nicole came in with Jen's release papers.

Nicole: Just sign here, and then sign here and the you're ready to go.

A few moments pass as she was signing the papers.

Jen: aaaand DONE!

Nicole: You're free to go.

Jen: Before we go, I'mma go to the restroom.

Colby: You sure you'll be okay?

Jen: Just because Will had to help me change, doesn't mean I'm helpless, now, you stay here and I'll be back.

After Jen got to the bathroom I turned back toward Will.

Colby: You did what now?

Will: Jen was having trouble with her side and I helped her change. It's not like we had sex or anything.

I sighed, defeated. I felt so bad that I made that mistake.

Will: I'll do you a favor, I won't tell her, that's between you two, but lets just act like I knew nothing about this when she finds out.

Colby: Thanks man.

Will: It's not like I haven't seen her naked before so why does it matter that I helped her change?

He smirked. Jen came back interrupting us, but I didn't mind.

Colby: You ready to go?

She nodded her head yes and walked closer to me. I noticed she had became very serious and I was confused as to why. She whispered in my ear.

Jen: I need to talk to you Colby.

My smile turned into a frown and we walked out of the hospital. Will went to his banged up blue Chevy truck and we went to my red Toyota Corolla. As soon as we sat down Jen started talking.

Jen: Colby, I'm so sorry, for everything, for forgetting, for calling you a fuckboy, for kissing Brennen, for putting you through so much. If I could take it all back and not do the surgery, I would, to spare you the feelings I gave you.

I couldn't say anything. She just said that she would rather die than put me through that.

Jen: And about the Brennen thing, I was blank, the doctors say it was when my brain first started to notice the brain bleed, that it was like putting my brain on pause and instinct took over everything. I know what happened it was like I was there but not really there. Y'know? Please forgive me for everything.

Colby: Jen, it's not your fault you had lost memory, you were set in the past, when you first met me.

I pulled her in for a hug, and I silently wiped a tear off my face as one thought kept raving through my mind. "The real question is if she will forgive me."


Sorry this has taken me so long to update, I update a lot better on a computer and I wasn't able to on my computer much because I've been very busy lately. Updates may take longer or shorter, but I am not really sure right now. Most importantly, THANK YOU FOR THE KIND WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT AND FOR 2K READS!!!!!!

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