Chapter 54: Quick Thinking

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You and the other held Ash down on his side so he didn't get choked on the vomit he was throwing up.

Jen: Ash, can you hear me?

The seizure went on until the paramedics got there. Colby grabbed his keys and everyone got in his car. Before he started the car, he adjusted the mirror so he could see everyone.

Colby: Just so we're all on the same page, Ash is going to be okay. He may be pretty out of it for a bit, but he will be fine in the end.

Everyone nodded their heads.

Haley: I have to call Karen, our boss, to tell her why we couldn't clean the store tonight.

Everyone nodded again as she dialed the number.

Haley: Hey Karen, Ash and I aren't at the store he had a seizure and we're on our way to the hospital.

She hung up.

Haley: Voicemail.

You just huddled next to Colby's car door. Life has been okay for 2 years. Now that Ash is a senior, everything is happening over again. Only, it's not us this time. It's Ash.

Peyton: So, what happened Haley?

Haley: I told him I was pregnant, then, the father showed up and started making a lot of noise and wouldn't stop unless I talked to him.

Peyton: Who's the dad?

Haley: Nathan Scott.

I recognized the name. He was famous for being a star basketball player. It was known news his dad was really hard on him about it.

Peyton: Really? I thought you hated him.

Haley: I do. I just- I don't know... I guess I just fell for everything he said. The crap he says to every girl.

Colby looked kind of sad.

Colby: Maybe you were different for him. Maybe that's why he went to the store.

Peyton: Why real you giving her false hope Colby? That boy will never change. No matter who he says those words to or he drops his pants for. He doesn't care.

Colby: I don't know... I guess I know how it feels.

Everyone except you had a confused look on their face.

Jen: It's because he used to be exactly like Nathan. Worse, actually. He used to be a known playboy. All up until he knew me. He told me those same words... And I believed them. I fell for them. Then he messed up. He messed up badly. Then, I didn't trust him anymore. Until someone special convinced me to give him another chance... And I don't regret that for one second. I don't regret any second with Colby. He made everything better.

You turned to look at Haley.

Jen: Look, I know it's not the same for you... Especially in your condition...But maybe you should give him a chance... Because it may change your life forever.

Haley: Thanks, Jen. Is everything Ash said about you two actually true?

Colby: What did the bastard say?

You laughed because you knew how Ash would respond. Peyton laughed too, she had picked up on that joke two years ago.

Haley: He said you guys were really nice and that Jen used to hate Colby, but now they love each other.

Colby: Yeah, that's true. Jen hated me with a passion.

Jen: Then I fell for you.

Colby: I fell for you too.

He turned back to the building's parking lot you were driving into.

Haley: We're here.

Everyone rushed into the hospital and found out that Ash was in the minor trauma section. On the way to the back, you had seen nurses that had looked very familiar. None of them noticed you. When you reached room 428, all of you walked in. It was the same style of room you were in two years ago for the "Brennen incident". There were only three chairs in the room. Peyton took the first, which was right beside Ash's head. Haley took the next, which was right beside Peyton's. You stood on the other side of the bed, back facing the door. Colby grabbed the last chair, which was in the corner of the room and brought it to where you were standing. Colby sat down and grabbed your waist, making you sit on his lap.

Jen: Really?

Colby: Yes. You should've expected this.

You heard the door open and the doctor walked in. It was a middle-aged woman with brown glasses.

Doc.: Hello, I'm Dr. Thompson and I'll be taking care of Ash. May I ask some questions?

Jen: Yes. He's 18, but he still lives with me.

Doc.: I see... Does he have a history of seizures?

Jen: Not that I know of.

Doc.: So he's not epileptic?

Colby answered before you could.

Colby: Actually, I was wondering if you could do some blood tests to see if he is. It runs in his family.

You turned toward Colby with a concerned look.

Jen: What?

Colby: I'll explain here in a second.

You nodded your head. The doctor got a blood sample and left. Colby took you into the hall to explain.

Jen: You're epileptic?

Colby: No. Not me.

He swallowed an obvious lump in his throat and continued speaking.

Colby: Our dad was. My mom left when I was two. That's why I didn't know Ash existed, because I barely knew my mother... But I did remember her name. That's all I remember about her, to be honest. When I was 10, my dad stopped taking his meds. I told him not to, but he didn't care. Everytime I would try to make him... He would hit me. EMTs had memorized the way to our house because they were called every week, at the least. After I turned 18, I moved out. I moved in with my friend, Sam, and his family. Then, I lived with you. I'm glad Ash got to have a happy childhood. I'm glad he got to grow up with Will. As messed up as it sounds, I'm glad this is how everything turned out. It's better this way, I promise.

You kissed Colby to try to make him feel better. Apparently, it worked, judging by the bulge that developed in his pants during the kiss. You pulled away.

Colby: Sorry about that...

He looked really embarrassed.

Jen: It's okay.

You looked behind Colby's shoulder to see Nathan Scott speed walking up to Ash's room. You pushed past Colby to get in front of the door.

Nathan: I need to talk to Haley. I know she's in there.

Jen: Sorry, I can't let you do that.

Nathan: Who do you think you are, protecting that asshole in there?

*Colby's POV*

I saw Jen's eyes grow dark and cold. The ground started to shake.

Jen: What did you just say?!

When Jen gets mad, her abilities control themselves. When she's mad, lights flicker. When she's pissed, the ground shakes, when she's really pissed, death takes over. One day, she got into an argument and she was really mad and birds started falling from the sky, dead. She couldn't control it. When death starts to take over, her eyes turn dark and cold...  just like they are now.


"To unexplain
The unforgivable
Drain all the blood
And give the kids a show
By streetlight, this dark night
A séance down below
There's things that I have done
You never
Should ever know..."

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