Chapter 57: College

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*Colby's POV*

Colby: Haley, that's awesome! You missed all the fun though! Ash was high on meds and kept using pick up lines on Peyton.

Peyton: Forget about that! What'd you say to Nathan?!

Haley: I told him to give me some time. I'm not sure what I want to do. The only thing I'm sure of is that I want to go to New York to Mannes.

Jen: I would talk to him about what you want to do.

Haley: He told me he's moving out into a apartment by himself. He's 18 now so he can. I just said that I would let him know soon, if he was actually serious.

Colby: Okay, what's holding you back?

Haley: Well, there's Mannes and how we would have to go long distance, there's his reputation that also changes a whole lot, there's what he did today, and... What's really bothering me... Ash hates him. It's hard to be in a relationship with someone your best friend hates.

Jen: Well, if you two don't really know how it's going to work out, just keep it a secret for a bit. If things do work out, then tell him.

Haley nodded and looked toward Ash.

*Colby's POV*

The doctor walked in and looked at Jen and I before handing us a paper.

Doc.: On the bright side, he's not epileptic, and we can send him home.

Colby: That's great, doc!

Doc.: All I need you to do is sign the papers and he's free to go.

I signed the papers for his release.


When we got home, Peyton and Haley helped walk Ash into the house. He was still really loopy, but not horny, just really confused. He seemed to remember everything, he was just acting really weird because of the meds. When we were in the house, we all started to talk and Ash just listened.

Colby: So... that Nathan kid really gets around?

Peyton: Yeah... I can't believe I dated him.

All of us except Haley looked at her confused.

Ash: What?

His voice was really high pitched and sounded like a yelp.

Peyton: I can say this now because you won't remember tomorrow.

She said while patting his chest. She turned back to us.

Peyton: I dated Nathan before Ash. He cheated, so I cheated to get back at him. After that whole thing and after we broke up, that's when I met Ash.

Jen: That makes somewhat more sense.

I turned to Haley.

Colby: If he didn't cheat then what did he do?

Haley: His friends made fun of me to my face and he went along with it. I told him we couldn't work if that was going to happen. He seemed serious about actually wanting to try again. I just don't know if I should trust him.

Colby: I think you should give him another shot.

Ash seemed to get over everything quickly.

Ash: Baby, I'm tired.

He laid his head on Peyton's shoulder.

Peyton: Okay, lets get you to bed. I got him from here Haley.

She helped him up the stairs and into his room.

*Peyton's POV*

I took him upstairs and laid him on his bed.

Ash: Will you stay with me? Please?

He begged, folding his bottom lip over.

I guess I am pretty tired. We all are. I texted my sister that I was staying with Ash for the night because I wanted to make sure he would be okay and looked back at Ash.

Peyton: I guess I can.

He was asleep almost instantly. I got out my phone and sent the video of the hospital to Jen, or so I thought. I put my phone down and put my head behind Ash's shoulder.


I woke up to see him watching a video on his phone. I recognized my voice.

Peyton: Whatcha watching babe?

I said, yawning and sitting up to sit beside him.

Ash: Is this your way of telling me your leaving?

I looked at his phone and seen the video I meant to send Jen.

Peyton: No babe, I'm not going. I decided against it.

I just lied to Ash. I had already told them I was going after I talked to Jen and Colby at the hospital. I can't take it back. I am going to New York... With Ash. (No, that's not a typo.)

Ash: Good. I couldn't bear the thought of you leaving.

Peyton: Haley got an opportunity at Mannes school of music and she's taking it.

Ash: That's awesome!

Peyton: Yeah, it is.

I thought he would react differently. His best friend is leaving to New York, but he's so happy for her. I can't bear the thought of telling him I was leaving. He may not even want to hear me explain my reasoning.

Peyton: I think Danielle wants me home. I told her I was staying last night but you know how she worries ever since... You know.

Ash: Okay. Be safe.

Peyton: I will.


It's been for days since I stayed over at Ash's house. I decided to pay him a visit because I hadn't been able to see him since then because I was busy trying to raise up money to leave to New York on. I was working as much as I could over winter break. I walked in and Ash was at the kitchen counter. He looked up and he had a look that could kill. I then noticed that he had a letter on the counter he was reading. He picked it up and walked over to me and began to read off the paper.

Ash: "Dear Peyton Sawyer, we're so happy that you've decided to attend 'New York School of the Arts'! We look forward to seeing you in the future!

I winced and looked at the ground.

Ash: I'm not mad that you're leaving. I'm mad that you lied about leaving. When were you planning on telling me?! When you never came around?! When you sent the first postcard?! I thought you cared about me! Obviously not.

Peyton: Ash I-

Ash: Save your breath.

He walked angrily out the back door and slammed it.


"I've been cursed, I've been crossed
I've been beaten by the ones that get me off
I've been cut, I've been opened up
I've been shattered by the ones I thought I loved."

Previous Winner: GabrielaRomerocruz

Bullied By Colby BrockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora