Chapter 39: Urgent Causes

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You prayed that you wouldn't have that nightmare again, but that you would have a peaceful sleep like last night. You were standing in Will's kitchen again. You heard Will before you saw him.

Will: You need to see the future now.

He said and grabbed your hand, you closed your eyes and she you opened them you seen a room you hadn't seen before. You were positioned behind two beds. It looked like a teen's room, only there were two sides of the room. The left side was decorated with skateboards and drawings and was painted dark blue. The right side had butterflies and decorative arrows and was painted purple. Ash was in the middle of the two beds. God, he looked older, it must have been many years in the future. You had seen two different people move, one in each bed.

Ash: Your mom and dad should be home soon. Do you guys need anything?

Ash seemed kind of nervous. A boy from the left side of the room spoke.

Boy: Actually, Uncle Ash, we've been meaning to ask you something.

The boy's voice resembled that of a teenager's.

Ash: Okay, what is it?

Ash's eyes flickered between both beds. A girl spoke from the right side.

Girl: Can you tell us how mom and dad met?

Ash looked nervous.

Ash: Well, Jeremy, Alexis-

Girl: Don't call me that! I go by Lexi.

Ash: Well, Jeremy, Lexi, you may want to ask your mom and dad that question.

From what you've just heard, apparently, the boy's name is Jeremy and the girl's name is Lexi.

Jeremy: They don't like to talk about before we were born.

Ash: I don't blame them.

Lexi: Uncle Ash, we're turning 16 tomorrow, please.

Ash: Well, everything did happen when I was 16.

Ash took a couple seconds thinking about the subject before answering.

Ash: Fine. I'll talk to your parents about it, but there are no promises.

Jeremy: It's about time, it took two years.

Ash: You've been planning this for two years?!

Lexi: Yeah, and all we've got is a name. Brennen Taylor. That's all we know.

Ash: I'm surprised you even got that.

Jeremy: Guilty as charged.

Lexi: They didn't even say it. It was on the news then mom starter crying. Only reason we know is because Jeremy was home while I was at school.

Ash: God Jer, please tell me you were sick and they thought you were asleep.

Jeremy: Sure, let's go with that.

Ash: You know you can tell me anything right? I even won't tell your parents if you don't want me to.

Jeremy: Fine. I went to a party. May or may not have had something other than water and I was a little hungover, so I checked myself out of school.

Lexi: First of all, you had liquor, second of all, I had to drive a hammered Jeremy home, and third of all, you were very hungover.

Ash: Damn kid. Anyways, you two better go to sleep before your parents kick my ass for letting you guys stay up this late.

Ash laughed along with the kids and walked out of the room. You then appeared in a thin hallway that was tan colored. Ash grabbed his phone and dialed a number.

Ash: Jen?

"Yes? Is everything okay Ash?"

Ash: Yeah, only, they want to know.

"I seen this coming. Thanks for telling me Ash, we're pulling in the driveway now."

You then seen a ceiling. You had woken up from the dream. You heard Colby's sweet voice from beside you.

Colby: Are you up babe?

Jen: Yeah.

Colby: Did the bath help at all?

You still felt soreness all over your body.

Jen: Not really.

You were still undressed.

Colby: Well, did you have a good dream?

Jen: It was your future.

Colby: I thought-

Jen: He said I needed to see it now.

Colby: Well, what happened?

Jen: We had kids. Twins. One boy, one girl. Their names were Jeremy and Lexi.

Colby: Wow. But, wait, I thought you couldn't have kids.

Jen: Me too.

You thought about your dream more closely, especially why Will wanted you to see it immediately. What was different from Ash's future than Colby's? Kids.


"Because the drugs never work
They're gonna give you a smirk
'Cause they got methods of keepin' you clean
They gonna rip up your heads
Your aspirations to shreds
Another cog in the murder machine"

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