Chapter 53: 2 Years Later

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*Ash's POV*

It's been 2 and a half years since I started working at Karen's Cafe. Peyton and I are still dating and Colby and Jen are still dating. I keep trying to convince Colby to pop the question but he's a little bitch, so I don't expect him to do it anytime soon. As of right now, I'm about to walk into

Karen's for my shift. Tonight, I don't actually have any customers, I come by and help clean up on the days I'm off and still get paid full hours. Peyton, Haley, and I have become really close lately. Haley has become my best friend and Peyton has remained my girlfriend. I walked into the cafe and Haley wasn't in the front like usual.

Ash: Haley? You there?

No response. I walked passed the counter and seen Haley with her knees up to her chest, crying. I squatted down to meet her eye level.

Ash: What happened?!?

Haley: I'm pregnant.

I was surprised because Haley wasn't the type to fuck guys a lot.

Ash: Who's the father?

As if on cue, there was banging on the cafe door.

???: Haley! I know you're in there! Open up!

Ash: Technically, when my shift started, the cafe closed for cleaning.

Haley: He's not going to leave until I talk to him. He doesn't know yet.

Ash: Oh, he's gonna leave.

I said, smirking with an idea. I stood up from behind the counter, and I was clearly in the viewpoint of him. It was one of the star basketball players, Nathan Scott. He was an all-around playboy.

Ash: You fucked that?

I asked, disgusted.

Haley: Now's not the time to judge Ash.

Ash: Just know I'm doing it silently in my head.

I walked out to confront Nathan.

Nathan: Who the hell are you?

Ash: I'm Haley's best friend.

Nathan: Well I need to talk to her.

Ash: I'm afraid she doesn't want to talk to you right now.

I felt a hard impact on my face. I tasted metal in my mouth. He punched me in the face and busted my lip. The metal taste was blood. I spit out some to the side.

Ash: Punch me again. I dare you.

Nathan: What are you gonna do about it? Pete Wentz.

Ash: First of all, that is not an insult. Second of all, I'll call the cops and get your ass arrested for assault. Now, how would Haley feel if her baby's father is behind bars?

Nathan: Baby?

Ash: She's pregnant... And you're the father.

Nathan: Like hell I am. It's probably yours, after all, you were behind the counter.

I busted out in laughter.

Ash: That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. Haley and I are best friends, and no benefits either. Believe it or not, I actually have a girlfriend.

Nathan: Who is it? Your hand?

Ash: Peyton Sawyer. Former cheer captain.

Nathan: Have fun with that slut.

Ash: Honestly, I would punch you right now, but I don't feel like losing my job.

He punched me again. This time, right under my eye. I felt blood pour down my face. I really hope I don't have to get stitches for that.

Ash: So, I'm giving you two options. Leave on your own. Now. Or I get you a police escort.

Nathan: Whatever dude.

He turned to leave.

Ash: Oh yeah, before you go, do you remember Brennen Taylor? The world's most famous serial killer?

Oh yeah, that's also something we figured out. Brennen was responsible for a string of murders and kidnappings across multiple states. People are still finding bodies that he was responsible for. It's sad, really.

Nathan: Yeah, why.

Ash: Because I killed that son of a bitch. Keep that in mind when I'm protecting Haley, and I'm going to protect her for as long as she likes.

There was an expression of pure horror in his eyes as he turned and left. I went back in the cafe to check on Haley.

Haley: Ash! Oh my god, why did you let him do this to you?!

She said, running up and looking at my wounds.

Ash: It's not that bad.

Haley: 'it's not that bad'. Ash, you're bleeding.

Ash: It's not as bad as the time I was in a coma.

Haley: Well what the hell did you say?!

Ash: I'm gonna go home and explain this to my brother. You can come if you want. It'll be a lot easier to explain this once rather than twice.

Haley: Yeah. I'll drive you.

I got into Haley's car and I gave her the directions to Jen's house from the cafe. Soon enough, we were there. I seen Peyton's car parked outside. That's something that happens often, too. Peyton comes by Jen's and waits for me to get off work. They all get along really well and they hang out even if I won't be home for a couple of hours. I walked in and Haley trailed behind. Everyone was sitting on the couch and turned to look at me.

Ash: Everybody, this is Haley. Haley, this is everybody.

I felt a sudden wave of pain through my face and I gripped the barstool in the kitchen. Jen, Colby, and Peyton all rushed to my side.

Jen: What happened?!?

All I could manage was a small grunt as a pounding headache rang through my ears and overrode my hearing. I saw dots all around me and I felt light-headed and passed out.

*Jen's POV*

I saw Ash pass out and I rushed beside him to make sure he still had a pulse. I put my ear to his chest and heard the soft beating of his heart.

Jen: Colby, go get some towels in case he starts seizing. Peyton, you call 911. Haley, stay here with me because if he has a seizure I can't hold him down myself.

Haley: I would but I don't think that's the best idea, considering I'm pregnant.

Jen: Okay, scratch that, Peyton, you stay here, Haley, you call 911.

Haley: On it.

Peyton: On it.

Colby came back with towels soon after and sat beside you on the floor. After Haley finished calling 911 you told her to stand by the door for when they got there. She said that they were 10 minutes away. Ash started to mumble random stuff.

Jen: Ash? You awake?

Ash started having a seizure. He was kicking as if he was running away from something.

Jen: Holy fuck it's a Grand Mal.

Peyton: What does that mean?!

Jen: It's the worst seizure anyone can have.


"Well, if you wanted honesty
That's all you had to say
I never want to let you down
Or have you go, it's better off this way
For all the dirty looks
The photographs your boyfriend took
Remember when you broke your foot
From jumping out the second floor?"

Previous Winner: Theatrenerd2020

Bullied By Colby BrockHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin