Chapter Forty-Six - Family sticks together 🤞

Start from the beginning

"W-we have to get everyone here, I need to tell them" I say to Joanne.

"Are you sure Ashley?" She asks and I nod.

"We can wait till you calm down" She says and I shake my head.

"I need to do it now" I say.

"Axel, go call Phoenix and your brothers" Joanne said and Axel rushed to call them.

"I'll go put Hannah upstairs" Stacy said.

Everyone was here, waiting for me to calm down and speak.

"We don't have all day" Trevor said annoyed and Stacy slapped his arm.

Phoenix sat in front of me, staring deep in my soul. Well that's what it felt like.

"My boyfriend and I broke up" I said and inhaled deeply.

"That's what this was all about?" Trevor asked irritated.

"Shut up and listen" Joanne scolded him and I took that as a opportunity to continue.

"My boyfriend was Zack Walker, a member of the Rebels gang" I said and I couldn't help but see the hurt in my brothers eyes, except Trevor.

"I started dating him when I first moved here, before I met any of you" I explained. "We even got tattoos and he gave me a promise ring. He told me that he was in a gang and I knew some of the members, but then one night my mother and I had a fight and I ran down the street, that's when I met Jax, then the next day I met Ace, Austin, Jax, Asher and Axel"

"I then found out that you're part of the Thorn's and I knew it wasn't safe or right to get involved until I found out that Phoenix was my father and that you four were my brothers" I said then looked at them.

"So you've been dating a Rebel this whole time?" Asher asked and I nod.

"I knew you was a sneaky little b*^ch, she was probably telling all our information" He growl, glaring at me.

"Don't ever speak about your sister that way!" Joanne tells him.

"Half sister" He corrects her. "Plus how can you pick up for the daughter dad made behind your back?"

"Huh?" He questions but Joanne stays quiet. "She is just a lying little..."

"Don't dare finish that sentence" She raises her voice.

"But she was spying on us, and telling Zack Walker everything" He says with pure disgust.

"That's not true, she didn't tell them one damn thing about this gang, instead she was thinking about how to tell you guys" Joanne defended me.

"You knew?" Phoenix asked Joanne, after being silent this whole time.

"Yes I did" She swallowed.

"Why are you telling us now?" Jax asked, turning the attention back onto me.

"The Rebels found out that I'm related to the Thorn's and they want revenge, because they think you all knew" I said. "Mr. Walker" I cleared my throat. "Marcus, Zack's father threatened me this afternoon" I said and I saw Phoenix tensed up.

"Did he hurt you?" Axel asked, clenching his fists.

"He tried to stab me" I say my voice cracking.

I'm still shaken up from the whole thing. Zack knew, all of them knew, this entire time.

"I've heard enough" Phoenix said firmly.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen" I sob and Joanne comforts me.

"Well guess what, it happened" Trevor snapped. "The Rebels are probably already planning their attack"

"It's fine if you guys want me to go" I say standing up.

"Don't be stupid" Jax rolled his eyes.

"You're our sister" Asher said.

"But I caused so much..."

"Ashley listen to me, I've lost you once I'm not letting that Happen again" Phoenix said and I wipe the tears off my cheeks. "You're my daughter, and nobody threatens my daughter" He warned.

"Tomorrow we'll meet the gang at the warehouse and plan our attack on The Rebels" He said and they nod.

"Let's just get some rest for tonight" Phoenix said.

"Wait!, We're just going to get over the fact that she has been lying to us?" Trevor asks. "Don't tell me you're just going to help her"

"She may have lied but she's still family and family sticks together" Phoenix says and I can't help but smile.

"Joanne, let's go, we need to talk" He says and he and Joanne left.

I look up to see everyone else staring at me. My eyes connect with Stacy's and I saw tears in her eyes.

"I can't imagine how hard this must've been for you" She said and I began to sob.

"Are you serious? Are you all serious?" Trevor yelled. "She lied to all of us for months, and we're just going to help her? what if she's trying to set us up huh?"

"Trevor, calm down. I have only known Ashley for a short time but I know she wouldn't have done this on purpose" Stacy defends.

"Don' be naive Stacy. This girl is a pretender, just like her mother who seduced my father and tried to break up his marriage" Trevor spat.

"Shut up!" Axel yelled, getting every ones attention.

"Ashley's mother didn't seduced our father. He seduced her." Axel said. "She didn't even know he was married and that he had a son nor that his wife was expecting" He continued. 

"So stop blaming Ashley and her mother for our father cheating on our mother. Who knows, he must've done that multiple times with other women but Ashley's mother was just the unfortunate one to get pregnant" Axel explained.

Trevor stared at Axel shocked and hurt at the same time. "I can't believe you would pick up for this traitor" Trevor shaked his head in disgust.

"I wasn't picking up for her, I was speaking the truth, which you didn't want to accept" Axel stated and Trevor rolled his eyes before walking off.

"I'll talk to him" Stacy said before following him upstairs.

I looked at my brothers, my eyes flicking to Jax then to Ashers, then to Axel then back to Jax. None of us said a word. And the silence was unbearable.

"Can one of you just say something, please?" I ask them.

"What do you expect us to say Ashley? Trevor is right, you lied to us how can we ever trust you again? Jax asked and I stayed quiet unsure of what to say.

"That's what i thought" He said before walking upstairs.

Asher follows him and I stay with Axel.

Axel stares at me for while before finally speaking. "I need to sleep" He walked off and I'm alone again.

This is all my fault!

Author's Note:

  What do you think about this chapter?

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have exams until next week Monday 😩 so I'll try and update as soon as possible.

Until then❤️

See ya next chapter of MBB 💝

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 👋 👋❤️❤️🤞🏽🤞🏽🆗🆗💖💜💋💋💯💯‼‼

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