51| Always and Forever a BDF

Start from the beginning

Nathan grumbled before releasing the hug, but he kept a hand on me until Cam took me up in his arms, hugging me tight to his body and lifting me off the ground. "Nathan's right, I'm so happy you're safe."

I returned his hug, wanting to wrap my legs around his waist to help support myself but knowing my cast would be in the way. "You too Cam, I missed you guys," I replied. He was hugging me so tight I could barely breathe but I was okay with it.

Derek stepped in after Cam. They barely even set me down on the ground as I was handed off and I wrapped my arms around Derek's neck. He held me close, pressing his face into my shoulder as he spoke, "You scared me there Cassie."

"I know... I'm sorry about that; but I'm okay. We're all okay," I soothed. All of the guys smelled so good and clean and they looked so handsome and healthy; my heart wanted to explode with the happiness I was feeling.

Derek had just placed me on the ground before I was spun around and gathered up by Adam. "God damn it Cassie, don't ever do that to us again!" He exclaimed as he swayed me back and fourth. I knew he was being serious but he had a way about him that always made me giggle anyway. "Oh Adam... I've missed you," I admitted.

"My turn," Luke chimed in from behind me. Adam released his grip and I turned around to be collected in Luke's arms. He didn't pick me up off the ground, but he held me close and brought a hand up to hold my head to his chest. "Glad you're okay Cass."

I returned his hug. "You too Luke; I'm glad you were able to make it home safe and sound for Kayla."

I felt his chest move as he chuckled, "Yeah, you and me both."

We were interrupted when Wes cleared his throat behind me in a way that demanded attention.

I pulled away from Luke to face Wes, "Don't worry Wes, I couldn't forget about my cast buddy."

I watched Wes's face split into a grin as he pulled me in for a very awkward hug. It wasn't that hugging Wes was awkward, but with me being unstable without my crutches and him needing to hold himself up on his own crutches, he could barely get his arms around me. Not to mention we were kind of obstructed by Adam, who had his hands on my hips to keep me stable since Wes couldn't.

"Sorry my hug sucked, but I really am glad to see you!" Wes said with a chuckle as he pulled back. "We'll have to try that again later."

"Definitely," I agreed with a huge grin. I was so happy to be reunited with everyone. I had only been out for a few days, but seeing everyone here safe, happy, and furiously handsome was the best feeling. I didn't think I'd be able to stop smiling if I tried.

"Um Cassie," my mom chimed in. I didn't realize my family had stuck around but sure enough they had all witnessed the reunion. I wasn't sure if I should feel embarrassed that my family witnessed the way the guys all reacted to seeing me, or proud as hell that they did. "We're going to go to our rooms," she continued, "you should probably come with us so you know where to go and can get settled."

Jake came over and handed me back my crutches. I looked up to him as if asking if it was okay to leave everyone and go to my room. I didn't want to leave before catching up, but there would be plenty of time for that later. Besides, I couldn't wait to take a shower. I felt dirty despite the sponge baths I was given in the hospital, and I hadn't taken a genuine shower in over a month.

"I'll walk you up," Jake smiled down at me, clearly enjoying that I looked to him for approval.

Derek piped up from beside me, "Yeah, go ahead and get settled Cass. The cops are meeting us all in the lobby at 5:00 to get our statements, so we will all just meet you then okay?"

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