"You okay?" Jake added.

I figured there was no use in lying to any of them. Clearly something was wrong, so I just stated plain and simple, "I feel like shit."

"Thanks for being honest. Tell me what hurts?" Derek asked, his eyes never leaving mine.

Where to start? "My whole body hurts. I'm nauseous, I'm cold but then I'm hot, my body aches, my bullet wound is throbbing, my head feels heavy, and I'm exhausted."

Jake shifted me in his arms, helping me to sit up against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "Awe. I'm sorry you aren't feeling good. How can we help?"

I shrugged, "You guys can't. Let's just get moving towards the plane. It's our best shot at being found and I think being rescued is the only thing that can help me right now."

I hated to sound dramatic, but you had to understand, if I ever felt this crummy at home I could just easily pop some ibuprofen or Tylenol or whatever. Out here, you just had to deal with the pain of a bullet wound and flu without any pharmaceutical assistance.

"She's probably right," Derek added, "Guys, gather up all of our stuff. I'm gonna take a quick look at Cassie's wound and then we will go."

Jake continued to hold me as Derek slowly unwrapped my leg and the rest of the guys began packing up the sweatshirts and knives. When it was unwrapped, I felt my knee throb and I found myself squeezing onto Jake's hand.

Derek sucked in a breath as he looked at it. "Yikes..."

"What?" Jake asked.

"It looks really infected. It's swollen and red, and there are red streaks. I think she's suffering from an infection, and without proper medical care it's just going to get worse," Derek replied while wrapping it back up.

"Well that's just great! We don't have proper medical care! What the fuck are we supposed to do with that news Derek!?" Jake asked, his voice raising to just below a yell.

I squeezed tighter to his hand, rubbing my thumb back and fourth. "Calm down Jake, it's not Derek's fault. Yelling won't help anyone."

I felt Jake's chest raise and fall as he took a deep breath. "You're right. I'm sorry."

Just then Cam appeared in front of us. "Jake, the best thing we can do for her now is get to the plane. We need to make fires, build a new SOS sign, anything that would catch another plane's attention. People should be out looking for us by now... they have to be."

Nathan chimed in from somewhere out of view. "Cam's right. We can do this."

"Alright! Let me just take a quick look at Wes's leg and we can get going," Derek said while he rose to his feet.

Jake shifted behind me, getting ready to stand. "Okay Cass, what do you need right now? You cold? Hot? Thirsty?"

I smiled at Jake's concern. "I'm a little cold right now but I'm sure that will change when my fever breaks. I obviously don't feel great, but don't worry about me Jake; you have enough to do today already. Plus, I really think the guys are right. Once we get to the plane, this could be it."

"I hope you're right Cassie; but for the record, it's impossible for me to not worry about you," Jake said before walking away to help the guys.

Eventually, when everyone was ready to go, Adam and Luke decided to be the first two to help Wes walk, and Jake was the first to carry me.

I was grateful that I was starting the day in Jake's arms. As much as I was trying to be brave for everyone, Derek's words kept replaying in my mind, and I was honestly a little scared: without proper medical care, it's just going to get worse.

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