47| Have Some Faith

Start from the beginning

Finally, it seemed my words had gotten through to him and he accepted my actions. "You're right Cass. I'm just so sorry."

"You did all you could," I responded, "Are you okay?"

Wordlessly, Jake nodded. I could tell he didn't want to talk about what just happened, but I had to make one more comment. I cupped my hand around his neck and locked onto his emerald green eyes as I spoke, "I know how you feel about violence, but you did what you HAD to do. Thank you Jake."

"No. Thank you Cassie. As much as I hate that you're hurt, you saved my life. How does it feel? Are you in a lot of pain?"

"It doesn't hurt too bad right now," I lied. It was starting to hurt more than I was letting on and I was feeling a bit dizzy thinking about it.

"Okay, let me take a look at it," Jake gently moved around me, picking my leg up and checking the back side. "I don't see an exit wound..."

Damn, I thought. "Well... maybe we can leave it in for now?"

Jake nodded, "We may have to. I'm not going to risk infection by digging for the bullet. We don't have any medical supplies with us."

"Jake, we need to get out of here before they wake up. Can you help me tie something around the wound to slow the bleeding?" I asked. I wasn't sure what the bullet had hit, but I was bleeding a lot more than I thought was normal.

I wasn't sure what to use and was looking around before I saw Jake hold out his t-shirt and pull hard at the material. With a little effort he was able to rip a piece off that was big enough to tie around my leg.

Even though I was in pain and stressed to the max, it didn't stop me from noticing Jake's chiseled lower abdomen that was now exposed, and the thin line of hair leading down into his pants. My cheeks started to blush thinking about it.

That was of course until I was pulled from my inappropriate thoughts by searing pain. "Ahhh fuck," I groaned as Jake pulled the shirt tighter around the wound. It was really painful, and I was scared to walk on it because I could feel the bullet with every movement. I didn't want it to shift and damage my knee further.

Jake's face was solemn and he looked so upset. Wordlessly, he locked his eyes on mine, tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and gave me a kiss. It helped take my mind off my leg again for a nanosecond.

"I'm going to get the stuff. Don't move," he said before heading to the well; not that I was going to move anyway. To preoccupy my mind, I decided to mentally sing my favorite One Direction songs in my head, quizzing myself on the lyrics. It didn't help my pain as much as kissing Jake did, but it was a welcome reprieve from the stressful situation.

When he reappeared, I noticed he had the large rope wound around his shoulder like a satchel. He dropped a hand down to me, pulling me to my feet and steadying me as I wobbled one my good leg.

"At least it's my same leg and not the other one," I said, trying to point out the bright side, "Because this ones already kinda been through the wringer, what's one more injury?" I thought he would appreciate my attempt and lightening the mood, but instead he just shook his head.

"Too soon Cass. Way too soon."

"Sorry," I sighed.

"Let's go," he said with a smirk. Maybe he did find me a little funny.

I readied myself beside him, wrapping an arm around his waist for stability. I knew this was going to hurt, but I was ready to hop along beside him.

"What are you doing?" Jake asked as he supported me with his arm, securing our backpack to his front.

"Getting ready to leave?" I questioned.

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