38| Repercussions

Start from the beginning

"Everyone sit down," Wayde commanded, waving the gun from person to person. My body trembled and my throat felt tight as we all shuffled to sit around the fire pit in front of Wayde. I was clueless as to what would happen now.

Jake found his way over to me, guiding me to sit between him and Cam. Derek kneeled behind me, briefly placing a reassuring palm on my back.

"So this is everyone. Huh?" Wayde asked to nobody in particular before continuing on, "We've been out here for quite some time. We're tired, hungry, and we've run out of our weaponry. So, you can imagine how lucky we feel to have found all of you."

Nobody said anything in response. What was he getting at?

"It's a nice place you got here," Garret added while pacing back and fourth in front of us. "We've seen it before, but never noticed the cave. We wouldn't mind having some shelter for a while."

"Bottom line is," Wayde began speaking again, stepping in front of Garret and closer to Jake and I. "We want everything you have, and we are going to take it."

"You can have it all," Derek spoke from behind us, "Just let us leave, and you can have everything."

Garret snickered and the sound of his voice sent another shiver down my spine. Jake subtly placed his palm on my lower back, rubbing his thumb up and down across my tailbone in a gesture I'm sure he meant to be comforting.

"You hear that Wayde? They think we are just gonna let them go," Garret continued.

Wayde smiled a toothless grin. "That is quite funny. That's a nice thought, but we can't allow you all to leave. You see, we want you guys here because we need your skills. Clearly, you all know a thing or two about how to survive out here. Now, here's the fun part; You all will do what we say, when we say, or you take a bullet."

Jake's thumb froze in place against my tailbone momentarily before continuing his soothing rhythm. My body tensed in response to Wayde's declaration.

"There are enough bullets to shoot all of you, and we only need a couple of you for your skills; the rest are disposable to us. Try any funny business, and you're done," he stopped walking to point the gun directly at Jake and my stomach lurched. Jake however, remained still, glaring at Wayde with a steely gaze and never stopping his soothing movements on my lower back.

Wayde continued to stare at Jake but began walking again. "However, I'm a reasonable guy. If we can remain together here peacefully, and y'all do what we say, then nobody has to die," he concluded. I was mildly relieved. Mildly.

"So, what is it exactly that you want from us?" Luke asked.

"Glad you asked. As of now, we want you to go about your usual business. Cook, hunt, what have you," Wayde responded.

"Who usually does the huntin' around here?" Garret asked.

I was the one who did most of the hunting. I went with some of the guys of course, but I'm definitely the best shot with the arrow. I was about to raise my hand when I felt Jake's hand thread around my wrist, holding my arm down with force.

"I do," he replied in an even and steady voice.

I shot him a look but he avoided my gaze, continuing to hold my hand down.

"I go with him," Nathan spoke up.

Do I say anything?

I wasn't sure why Jake didn't want me to tell the truth, but I was certain that he didn't want me to speak, and I trusted him enough to keep quiet.

"Good. You are coming with me. Now," Wayde ordered as he pointed at Jake. "The rest of you will stay here with Garret. He will be keeping an eye on you, and you are to follow his orders. Failure to do so will result in punishments when I get back."

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