"If you're still up for it, after our nails dry, we could drive up to Cindy's house and - "

"No." I spoke immediately. "Whatever it is, no."

"I was just going to say 'talk to her'."

I rolled my eyes and sat up, 'just talking' in Cassie's books meant 'catching those hands' and the last thing I wanted was a fight to break out. I wanted to hurt her, sure but violence has never been something I supported.

"Besides, I know Cindy is your friend, Cass. I get that this is tough for you."

Cassie looked up at me raising her perfect brows. "You honestly believe I still consider that witch a friend after she messed with my girl?." Cassie looked genuinely offended at my words.

I smiled. And this is why Cassie Fitzgerald is my best friend.

"Permission to be that pathetic broken hearted girl for an hour?" I asked.

Cassie sighed. "Fine, but only thirty minutes and after that, we're coming up with a revenge plan."

What was with the people around me and revenge? Was I mad and hurt? Of course.
Did I want to hurt anyone? Maybe...
Was I actually planning to do it? No.

I might be hurt but I don't want to hurt anyone else because of my pain.

"I just... I can't believe he did this! I trusted him. I loved him. I know high school relationships aren't supposed to mean too much but I thought we actually had something."

I couldn't help myself. I thought my tears were all dried up after yesterday but no... fresh tears ran down my cheeks as I unleashed an ugly cry that would put the ugliest cry to shame.

If it was anyone else, I would have felt embarrassed and quickly shielded my face. But this was Cassie. The same Cassie who still ate in my presence when I was having the worst breakout I had ever had.

Cassie placed a hand on my back and rubbed it soothingly.

"Girl, boys are horrible human beings and when I become president or at least form my own female state, I swear, Daniel, that piece of trash, will be the first person we hunt down and burn at the stake."

Honestly, the way she said such things so calmly...

"I just don't get it! Was I a joke to him? Did he honestly not feel the same way that I did for him? Because let me tell you this, I would never have done this to him."

"I know." Cassie sighed. "I know how much he meant to you, M."

"I thought we were okay - I mean, he told me he was okay with me being at my grandparents all summer - then all of a sudden, I get a text three weeks before summer ends saying he thinks we should see other people. And a week later, he's with Cindy. I mean... does he think I'm an idiot? They obviously went behind my back, hanging out together all summer. Did they really think I wouldn't find out, people from school saw them! They could have at least spared me the embarrassment and done it undercover."

"I'm sorry, Maya. I knew they were lifeguarding together. Ross mentioned something about them hanging out but I didn't think it was that big of a deal, because Ross can be an idiot sometimes, and I mean - the nerve of that girl!"

One of my grandmother's most important rules when we're at her house is that we should not under any circumstances use those 'brain rotting, cancer causing' gadgets i.e our phones.

So of course I didn't get to talk to Daniel as much as I would have liked. But we talked whenever we could. We video chatted and texted and spoke.

Saying 'hey, I'm hooking up with Cindy and being a cheating piece of trash' wouldn't have taken too long to get out.

How could I not see the signs?

Whenever I would ask about Cindy and how life guarding was going, he would get tense and change the topic. There was even this one picture on a classmates Instagram of what looked like a pool party.

And I saw them, Daniel and Cindy, both of them in the background, sitting way too close to each other if you ask me.

But I didn't even consider Daniel cheating. The thought didn't even cross my mind at the time. Because he was my Daniel, my baby, and I knew him. Or at least, I thought I did.

Ross could have straight up told me to my face that Daniel was cheating and I still wouldn't have believed him.

"Zack came over yesterday." I told Cassie, just remembering my surprise visit.

Cassie looked as confused as I probably did yesterday. "Zack? As in Zack from school? The one who always offers to do my homework?"

Yes, best friend is so gorgeous that people offer to take on the burden of doing her homework for her. Cassie wouldn't agree to it though, she hates it when people discount her because of her looks. Beauty and brains can coexist you know.

"No, Zack Andrews, my neighbour." I explained.

"Oh?" Cassie looked even more confused. "What did he want? To borrow some sugar or something?"

Cassie wasn't around during my friendship with Zack but I had told her all about our history and even she was shocked by the fact that this boy more or less cut me out of his life from nowhere. So him showing up at my house must have been as shocking to her as it had been to me.

"No... he..." I really didn't know how to say this to Cassie. Even now, it sounded crazy. "You won't believe this..."

I recounted last night's events to her.
When I was done, her eyes were wide and I couldn't really read the expression on her face.

"You mean, Cindy and Zack? Wow I did not see that one coming." She spoke. "I mean props to her, Zack is a hottie."

I rolled my eyes. "Cass."

"What?" She spoke in defence. "Ask any girl with eyes."

Oh I was a girl and I had eyes and these eyes had seen Zachary Andrews literally grow up in front of me. One minute, he's the Zack I had seen eating his own buggars and the next minute, I'm looking at the reincarnation of a young Johnny Depp. The worst part is I was still trying to figure out this puberty thing with my braces and long skinny legs and goodness, the acne!

"Doesn't matter, he can't just come here after all those years with such a crazy plan and expect me to just go along with it."

Cassie perked up. "You said no?" She yelled in outrage.

I shrugged. "Yeah... wait, you think I should do this?"

Cassie had crazy ideas, yeah, but she couldn't possibly think I would go along with this.

"Duh!" She yelled.

It's official, Zack and Cassie both belong in mental institutions.

"You're crazy." I told her as I got off my bed ready to take off the face mask expecting to see glowing skin underneath.

"Maya, think about this!" Cassie continued. "You want revenge. I know you're too much of a saint to ever admit it but you want to hurt him and her. Pretending to be with Zack will do that. It will show him that he's not the only one who can move on. Trust me, it will destroy him when he sees that you don't need him. Girl! We're done with Adele! Time to go all Rihanna on this punk!"

I could picture Rihanna being all badass singing 'needed me' but I was still the version of Rihanna who was sitting in a bathtub, crying her eyes out and singing 'Stay'.

I looked at myself in the mirror after peeling off my face mask. My skin looked great, amazing in fact but the girl in the mirror was far from that.

She was miserable.

I didn't like this but if this plan would help me feel even a little bit better, I was up for it.

I turned to look at an expectant Cassie.

"Fine, I'm in."

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