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You keep lyin' when you oughta be truthin'
You keep losing when you oughta not bet
You keep samin' when you oughta be a'changin'
Now what's right is right but you ain't been right yet

Nancy Sinatra, These Boots are made for Walking

"I bet you must be happy." Lexi told Anthony as we walked back from the pool.

My hair was still wet so I had let it loose.

I loved that swim practice was the last thing on my schedule.

I always felt especially chilly when my hair was wet. And at least I could always go straight home instead of sitting in a classroom with wet hair.

"Why would I?" Anthony asked coyly.

I suddenly envied his short locks which only seemed to get more coiled when it was wet.

Lexi rolled her eyes. "Because, you, my friend are  currently the top pick on boyfriend points. They literally just put you up and you have 300 votes. How is that even possible?"

Anthony smirked. "Well you either got it or you don't. And I, Lexi darling, I was born with it."

Anthony wasn't wrong. I hadn't been surprised that he had immediately taken the lead in the boyfriend points poll. If anything, I was expecting it.

Even if Cassie insisted the pool was based on more than looks and superficial stuff, no one could deny that most of the voters focused on that stuff.

"Whatever 'it' is? Use it for good. Get girls to come to our swim meets. Lord knows we need the funding."

Lexi was right. The swim team had its worst turnout yet last year simply because most of the seniors on the team weren't really serious about the sport. Most of them simply did it because they needed a sport to add to their college applications.

Senior swimmers usually attracted more watchers. More scouts too.

But this year with Anthony being the only senior, I'm sure the female turnout would be significantly higher.

Mostly because they wanted to see a shirtless Anthony than anything else.

"Oh, the ladies will show up." Anthony bragged, flexing his biceps.

Lexi and I looked at each other and then rolled our eyes.

"Guys, can we please get in the sun already?" I whined. "I'm freezing."

"I can keep you warm. All you have to do is ask, baby." Anthony winked.

I pointedly took a wide step away from him.

Lexi slapped his shoulder.

"Ow!" Anthony yelled, rubbing it. "What was that for?"

"Other than my 'no flirting with teammates' rule? She has a boyfriend, idiot!" Lexi snapped.

She gave me a pointed look.

I looked away. Lexi was a good enough friend that I could talk to her about my personal life easily so I'm sure she had been wondering why I hadn't opened up to her about my break up with Daniel or my 'relationship' with Zack.

"Right, Andrews." Anthony muttered as he rubbed his shoulder.

"He's not my boyfriend." I told them. "We're just... hanging out. Getting to know each other." I told them.

Calling Zack my boyfriend hadn't been part of the plan. No one would even believe we had become official that quickly anyway. So telling people that we were still in this dating limbo worked for both of us.

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