Chapter Twenty Seven

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So authors note here...
Hi! I'm not dead! Surprising, I know. I've been trying to find the time to write and I miss it so much, reading all the comments you guys leave makes me want to post so much more than I can and I feel awful for leaving you all for so long, but between a busy schedule and writers block I haven't been able to be as active as I'd like. I just started my first real job with a pay check so that's both exciting and time consuming. And school is unfortunately going to be starting up again very soon and all I've posted is this one chapter in three months. That in itself is just horrible to me. I'm so sorry, I'm going to try and be much more active this school year but I make no promises... I hope you can all forgive me and I really hope you enjoy this chapter it's taken me seemingly forever to get it to you and I really hope the wait was worth it.

~~Your P.O.V~~

The second you let your mind wander to the possibility of it you feel another hand gently settle itself on top of yours, Loki's.

His face seems calm, but his eyes are where his true emotions shine through. The love, worry, but most of all the guilt. It seems to linger on his entire being, eating away at the hope trying to crack it's surface.

"Loki..." His name seems to tumble from your lips before you get the chance to stop it, tears beginning to run down your face for what feels like the hundredth time today. Every face in the room swings rapidly to watch you if it hadn't been looking previously. Yet you can't find it in yourself to care, because everything seems to be falling apart around you. Though Loki's presence was a rope, a life line, keeping you from going down with it.

"Hey...can you hear me now?" You nod slightly, a sigh of relief being released as a tear of his own makes its way down his cheek. "I don't know how much longer I can stay, but I need you to know I'm going to get you out of here. I'm going to fix this, okay? Just promise me you'll remember."

"Remember what?" You ask worry spiking your thoughts, as you think about him leaving you here. You can feel Chase's hand still on yours, its grip tightening slightly before releasing again, likely in an attempt to draw your attention. Yet you force yourself not to look, not taking the chance of Loki vanishing before your eyes, leaving you without an answer.

"Reality. Our reality. Your brother. The team. Me. Promise me you won't get swept up in all of this. Please?" He tells you desperately, the voices of those in the room getting louder as they notice your disconnection to them. Soon their voices are all you hear. Still you find yourself muttering a promise to him under your breathe, only loud enough for those directly beside you to hear, Chase included.

"Who're you talking to?" He asks gently, cautiously meeting your eye as if moving too quickly would scare you.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." You told him lightly, glancing between the two of them.

"If you're hallucinating you need to tell the doctor." Chase's voice rings in your ears, everything seeming too fast and too slow all at once.

"No need." The doctors voice cuts in addressing Chase, before turning to me. "We've decided to up your dosage, giving you more time to rest and adjust. Okay?" You hear her say as your eyes begin to feel heavy, sleep drawing you in.

~~Loki's P.O.V~~

The minute she closes her eyes I feel myself being pulled back, my subconscious being thrown back into my body. Though when I open my own eyes the tears are still lingering.

"So? What's going on?" Tony's voice cutting through the silence of the room, everyone else seemingly holding their breath awaiting an answer.

"He's managed to...Thanos has somehow send her mind into another reality, another version of herself. One where we aren't real." I say slowly, deliberately dragging it out as long as I can. Not wanting to fully accept the truth myself.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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