Chapter Ten

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Benny is a mean cat. That is all I have to say about that.

~~Your P.O.V~~

Waking up you sit in bed for a minute just staring at the ceiling above you, as you begin to focus on the room around you. You realize that it is most definitely not your apartment ,you shoot out of bed and stand, you end up tripping over your own feet in the process. You carefully examine the room around you and the memories from yesterday slowly start to appear in your mind.

"Good morning Miss Barton. The weather today is at seventy degrees Fahrenheit or twenty six degrees Celsius, there is a scatter of clouds that should deplete as the day goes on. There is a variety breakfasts to choose from in the kitchen on the seventh floor, you have been requested to meet you brother there in twenty minutes in the kitchen." Jarvis informs you as you start to calm your racing heart.

"Thanks Jarvis, umm just for future reference I go by L/N." You tell the A.I. system.

"Not a problem Miss. Will you need my assistance any longer this morning?" He asks politely.

"No but thank you anyways Jarvis." You tell him staring out the window that had been uncovered when Jarvis was giving you the forecast.

"If that is all I will give you some privacy." And with that Jarvis's intercom seems to obliterate from your surroundings.

You head to the washroom and find a towel , deciding to have a quick shower before you met Clint. Once your finished you quickly braid you hair and find your clothes from yesterday, seeing as how you have nothing else to wear you throw it on and head into the hall. You close the door behind you as you exit, turning to face the hall once again you're meet with a familiar face.

"Well isn't this a coincidence." The raven haired man tells you closing the door to his own room, it's at this time that you notice his eyes are a different colour than when you had first met. Confusion seems to sink into your features as you realize this, brows furrowing the longer your eyes linger on his.

"What?" He demands, clearly annoyed with your constant puzzled gaze. His voice shakes you from your thoughts and seems to pull you back to reality.

"Your eyes, there blue?" You tell him, though it comes out as more of a question opposed to being a statement.

"I'm surprised you noticed," He admits to you, an almost nonexistent look of amusement upon his face. "You didn't seem to catch on to it yesterday."

"Well I wasn't exactly trying to focus on you all that much yesterday." You state.

"Oh I noticed." He tells you with a smirk, unsettling you slightly.

"Why were your eyes different the other day?" You ask mostly so you could slip away sooner than later.

"Magic, I would have thought that would've been rather obvious." He tells you. Seeming as if he's almost disappointed in you, this causing a slight confusion to cross your face again. "You rather like the confused look, don't you?" He asks, voice teeming with annoyance.

"I mean more specifically, the reason behind it. I know you're the god of mischief, but still why?" You ask trying your best to put it together on your own, but you just can't seem to find an excuse to why he would need to.

"Security, until I left of course. In that time I'm sure your friends then ensured you that you knew it was me who had visited." He tells you truthfully, or so you hope anyways.

"Why?" You ask, unable to keep the question from slipping out of your mouth.

"You're just bursting with questions this morning, aren't you?" He asks sarcastically, rolling his eyes in the process.

A Marvellous Coincidence// A Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now