Chapter Twenty Four

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Authors note time! I know it's been FOREVER since I last published a chapter, and I'm soo sorry for making you all wait. After Christmas I couldn't really find the inspiration I needed then I was overrun by exams and I'm finally trying to get back to writing more frequently! I've been finding it hard to put my mind to writing and this is going to be one of the main chapters so it was difficult get my idea as to the page, but it's here and I hope you all enjoy it!

~~Your P.O.V~~

"Three minutes. Get what you need." With that everyone was off, though you simply stand there, dumbfounded at the simplicity of it all. Not even ten minutes ago Steve and Tony had been at each other's throats, everyone had...and now. Now every last one of them, Maximoffs included, are all working together to try and put an end to this tin cans reign of terror.

"I honestly don't get it..." You mutter under your breath, jumping slightly when a soft chuckle erupts beside you. "Stop doing that!" You yell, smacking Loki's arm causing another laugh to escape him.

"I'm sorry, I surrender!" He exclaims, lifting his arms up in a gesture of peace as you hit him once again.

"Why aren't you getting ready?" You ask once your laughter simmers down, and your mind comes to realize just what everyone's preparing for. He only gives you a deadpanned look in response.

"Loki, I think they're going to need you on this one..."

"I think she's right Mr. Snow." You hear Tony's voice call out over the intercom catching you by surprise once again.

"Why in the nine realms would you call me 'Mr. Snow', and why would you need me?" Loki responds, annoyance prominent in his tone.

"Because you remind me of one very broody Jon Snow, and I hear you have quite a few tricks up your sleeve when it comes to battle."  Tony replies, clearly not wanting to hear no as an answer.

"And leave (Y/N) in the tower on her own, I don't like that idea, Stark." Loki states, looking over to you.

"As much as I hate to be a damsel in distress, I feel like Loki has a point, I don't really like the idea of being alone in this tower, Tony."

"Fine Loki doesn't have to come...but he's on call. If we're in serious trouble and we tell him to get his ass over here, he comes." Tony agrees, in truth sounding a little relieved, about Loki not being there or someone making sure you stay safe, you're unsure. But for his own sake you hope it the latter.

"We should go find the others, wish them good luck and stuff." You tell Loki, though he only nods in agreement before he can't hid the smirk he's hiding, scooping you into his arms, a green flash appearing before he sets you down next to a rather startled looking Clint.

"You really need to stop doing that." Clint tells you, exhaling slowly as you assume he attempt slow his now racing heart.

"I just wanted to wish you good luck..." You say, trailing off you look at your shoes as worry begins to consume you. "Don't die." You manage utter before throwing your arms around your brother, which he gladly accepts.

"I'll do my best." He replies with a light laugh, though you feel it's mostly for your sake. After a minute you let each other go, your eyes brimming with tears, while Clint's are only slightly red around the edges, trying to stay strong for you. "And you," He says, pointing a finger at Loki another smile gracing his features. "You take care of her for me again."

"I'll do my best." Loki replies, Clint lets out another chuckle as he grabs his bag, giving you one last hug before heading to the jet to meet the others.

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