Chapter Nineteen

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Quick note here I just want to thank all of you amazing people, all around the world, who are constantly commenting and voting, even giving me a follow from time to time, you are what keeps me writing. Whether it be this or something for school, the fact that you all believe in my skills as a writer and have supported me this much is so amazing and I'm so thankful for all of you.
I want to give a few shoutouts to YoungWriter87 Liliya_Evans_Snape and DreamyLilThang for the numerous amount of comments that made me laugh, some even at inappropriate times, others making me feel a huge sense of pride in my work so far.
But I have to shoutout to spidey_loki for making my day with this comment, I was beaming for the rest of the week, and still might be...

So thank you so, so much, you're a constant supporter, voting as soon as the chapters are published and I really appreciate how much you've taken a liking to the story

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So thank you so, so much, you're a constant supporter, voting as soon as the chapters are published and I really appreciate how much you've taken a liking to the story.
And for those of you that don't vote or comment, you just read and are here to enjoy the story, the fact that you're reading it is enough for me. So thank you to all of you and I hope you enjoy the story to come.

~~Your P.O.V~~

"He's all over the globe." Maria tells the team as we all try our best to figure just where it find the machine. "Robotics labs, weapons facilities, jet propulsion labs, reports of a metal man, or men, coming in and emptying the place." She continues, as she speaks fear begins to slowly seep into your thoughts again as you think of the damage he managed here with just two bots.

"Fatalities?" Steve asks, as if reading your own thoughts.

"Only when engaged." She replies glancing in your direction for a second before she continues on. "Mostly guys left in a fugue state going on about old memories, worst fears, and something too fast to see."

"Maximoffs. Well-"

"Sorry," You interrupt Steve. "What's 'Maximoffs'?" You ask clearly missing some important piece of the puzzle, beside you Loki looks just as lost as yourself.

"They're a twin brother and sister, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, that volunteered to get experimented on by Hydra. The experiments they did on them gave them abilities, the brother has an increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis, and the sister has telekinesis, telepathy and energy manipulation." Bruce replies looking up from his computer where he was attempting to look for anything useful, beside you recognition crosses over Loki's features, yet you're still having a hard time.

"Okay he's fast?" You ask unsure of yourself on the terminology Bruce had decided to use, Tony nods so you continue. "And she can move stuff with her mind, and talk through her mind?"

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