Chapter Eight

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Hey guys, I just want to thank you all for helping me to get to 700 reads, I really hope you liking it so far! I know the Loki-ness has been a little to none in these last chapters, but I promise it's coming very soon! Don't forget to vote, follow and leave some comment for me, they really help when I'm writing. Thank you all again!

~~Your P.O.V~~

"Loki as in the, 'I'm going to take over New York' Loki?" You ask, not sure who exactly you're wanting to answer.

"Yes, I guess that would be a good description." Thor replies, pondering over the way you'd chosen to describe his brother.

"Where is he?" You ask bluntly.

"Upstairs, the one with the library in it. He could also be in his room, which is on the floor above." Steve responds, voice sounding slightly concerned.

"Okay, and where is Dr. Banner and and Mr. Stark." You ask, desperately hoping it isn't on even remotely close to the floor with the god of mischief.

"Down a floor, up the hall and to the right." Natasha sounds from beside you, internally you let of a sigh of relief.

"Lab, I'm not crossing paths with the lunatic again. Last time he took my cookie jar..." You say letting out a breath from frustration  

"Last time?" Steve asks, concern filling his voice fully now. Natasha gives you a confused glance before looking over at Clint.

"Cookie jar?" Clint and Thor question at the same time.

"Yes, my cookie jar. I was pissed, I had just made fresh cookies for my marathon yesterday and he took them." You say slowly building up more frustration with every word you utter.

"I say we head to the lab now." Clint tells you already leading you out of the room, you see him giving Thor a knowing look before he nods and walks off in the opposite direction as yourself.

~~Loki's P.O.V~~

I hear the sound heavy foot falls stomping down the halls head right towards where I'm located. I look up only to find my brother standing directly in front of me, looking royalty pissed off.

"What do you assume I did now, oh brother dearest?" I ask him, his eyes only seem to ignite with more rage at my comment.

"You took lady Y/N's cookies, and I can only assume you knew she'd be joining the team or would not have bothered." He accuses, a smirk slides onto my face.

"If you're accusing me of lying brother, you would be incorrect." I state, the smirk growing to a large grin at the confusion on his face. "You see, I told agent Barton where I got them with out saying it right out. If he didn't figure out the answer on his own that was on him, but I never told him a word of a lie."

"He knew where, but did you know she'd be joining the team Loki?" He asks, seething in both anger and annoyance.

"No," I admit, a maniacal grin still placed on my face. "But I did have an idea."

~~Your P.O.V~~

As Clint and yourself make your way down the hall you can hear the faint sound of a drums pounding and loud bass, but both seem dull and quiet through the walls. You turn to Clint and send him a questioning look.

From what you've seen on T.V. Tony Stark is a very professional man, though he is known to be a playboy. Everything you've heard from Clint confirms the latter and throws the other right out the window.

As you get closer you begin to recognize the song as old rock, classic rock. A small smile finds its way onto your face as you keep pace with your brother. You come face to face with a large wall of glass, looking through you see two men, both you recognized. One being Dr. Bruce Banner and the other the infamous Tony Stark, Banner looks to be rather frustrated as Mr. Stark seems to be dancing around with some sort of science equipment and singing along to the song. The thick glass is almost vibrating with the amount of force the sound system is putting out, Clint attempts to get either of the men's attention by knocking against the glass. Neither of the scientists are able to hear him as Banner begins to chase after Tony, Mr. Stark seems to be now dancing as well as successfully avoiding Dr. Banner's attempts to stop him.

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