Chapter Twelve

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I'm so sorry for no updating in FOREVER you guys! I just have been so caught up with my school projects, edits, cough *fanpage* cough, and that marvel sweepstakes that was going on a while back and I could hardly focus on writing anything (school work included.) For all this I am sincerely sorry and I really hope you enjoy this chapter. I tried to make it both interesting and slightly funny, but let me know how I did in the comments!

On another less stressful note, HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN BLACK PATHER?? IT IS ABSOLUTELY FAN-FRICKING-TABULOUS! I had the privilege of seeing it opening night and it was awesome! Shuri is amazing and let me just say, POST-CREDIT SCENE! Anyways if you haven't yet seen it I highly suggest it.

So continue on with your reading and once again I'm really, really, really, really, REALLY sorry for the lateness of the chapter. Also I apologize for any mistakes in grammar or spelling... Feel free to leave your thoughts on this chapter in the comments as you go they really help to keep me going! Also vote if you enjoyed this chapter and follows are much appreciated!

~~Your P.O.V~~

As you close the door you let out a quite sigh, were his eyes green again? You stop only now to think about it, not paying enough attention to detail while in the halls. You simply can't tell which are Loki's illusions and which are reality just yet.

Deciding not to dwell on the subject any longer, you find yourself walking to the desk in the corner, opening the file as you walk. Skimming over the material you find it's basically blank, a few facts on the being scattered throughout the couple pages provided. The facts confirm what Fury had told you, they don't know the first thing about this...thing.

~~Loki's P.O.V~~

As soon as the door closes softly behind her my entire demeanour changes, all composure from a moment ago gone without a second thought as my mind races with thoughts on the few pieces of information I had managed to glance over when in the office. The farther into this case we go, the worse the end result will be. Not only for me, but everyone within these towers walls.

And I'm the only one with a clue as to why that is.

~~Your P.O.V~~

Attached with paper clips are a few rather vague sketches to give the basic outline of a large, very large, presumably male figure. The sketches have very few details, some of the pencil rubbed away, others were actual photographs although the ancient lettering in them seem to have been worn away over time.

The reason for bringing you onto the case seems to make more sense the more time you spend examining the images. They're ancient, older than anything you've been exposed to in your lifetime. One of the vague images shows some text written into stone, though on a tablet or wall you cannot tell. What you are sure of is that the text is beyond old and will be nearly impossible to decipher without some sort of guide.

~~Loki's P.O.V~~

I rush into my own room, ideas flashing through my mind as quickly as they possibly can. All thoughts brimming with rage, fear and panic, all of it caused by one person. One seemingly eternal being.

~~Your P.O.V~~

In one sketch he seems to be sitting on some sort of stone made throne, the next has him sitting in the same position, same throne as the last, only this time a large helmet along with an armoured hand piece. All the images resemble the same being, but the colours of the photos vary, in some the figure seems to be a dark shade of purple, while in others he looks almost to be a light shade of magenta. Though the constant in all the images was the stones placed in the gloves surface, the colours always prominent, never distorted in anyway.

A Marvellous Coincidence// A Loki x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora