Chapter Eleven

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~~Your P.O.V~~

"How do you not know who you want them to research? And also you're pairing her, my sister, with Loki, I mean really? Loki?" Clint burst at Fury, practically shaking with anger.

"Barton I'm aware of the situation, and you have every right not to trust Loki after what happened, but-"

"You're goddamn right I don't have to trust him! He brainwashed me, made me kill a lot of people. A lot of innocent people..." Clint says, emotion thick in his voice as he trails off.

"I recognize this agent Barton, but without his sceptre Loki is unable to continue on with that... behaviour." The Director says, clearly trying to get the situation under control.

You stand there, no longer focused on the conversation taking place in front of you. You're simply taken back, not one single person, not even Clint, had cared to mention this to you when you had arrived. Yes, it would be a difficult topic to discuss, but if you were going to be working with them you believe you have the right to know. This hadn't been brought up on any media of the sort, seemly kept under the radar, not wanting anyone to question your brothers loyalty to the public.

"Bullshit." Your brother growls at the man sitting behind the desk, this pulls you back to reality. The tone in which he used was not one you're sure you've ever heard him use before. He may have, but never if you were around. "You know as well as I do that that's not true under any circumstances."

"How do you not know who this is?" Loki asks looking at the file, clearly unamused by their lack of knowledge.

"Are you saying you know?" The Director asks harshly, his voice telling anyone his patience is wearing thin.

"Of course I know who-"

"I'm sorry, did you say he brainwashed you?" You interject, a slight tinge of anger in your voice as you're finally able to comprehend the conversation at hand.  "Why am I only hearing about this now? Why didn't anyone tell me? Did you just think, 'well I don't think this is valuable information for my sister to know, so let's just not tell her?' What. The. Fuck. Clint!" You exclaim, your anger getting the best of you.

At this point you can feel that everyone in the room has their eyes on you, Loki's eyes especially seem to be drilling holes through your back, although the only person that you're focused on is your brother. He looks, simply said, taken back. Maybe from the fact that you had just swore at him, maybe it was from the fact that he forgot to tell you. You roll your eyes as no one makes a move to give you answers your questions, and storm out of the office, grabbing the file as you go.

~~Loki's P.O.V~~

"Well I do believe that could have gone slightly better." I state as the door to the office slams shut behind Y/N as she exits.

"Can it reindeer games." Clint growls at me, clearly his temper growing thin.

"Observing, not threatening." I say raising my hands in serenader.

"Both of you need to shut the hell up and listen." Fury orders from wear he now stands behind his desk, leaning over glaring at both of us. "Now, Barton I realize that Y/N working with Loki may cause you some frustration, but I believe it is would be in the best interest of the team seeing as how he knows what he's talking about when it comes to Norse mythology... or culture?" He ends on an almost confused tone, unsure of how to address the situation.

"Also if I might add, I have no interest whatsoever in causing harm to your sister-"

"You say this after that fact you've already broken into her apartment, and have stolen her cookies along with the jar."  Clint scoffs, cutting me off.

A Marvellous Coincidence// A Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now