Chapter Twenty One

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~~Your P.O.V~~

You sit on your bed scrolling through your phone, the feed coming up not helping to improve your mood whatsoever. Every bit of it just as, if not more, depressing than the last. You felt like someone, namely Maria, had popped the small bubble of safety you had managed to force around yourself, and now that it was gone there's no way to bring it back.

So you decide the only logical thing to do was turn on a episode of (F/S) and binge watch an entire season rather than deal with your problem, you know like a normal human being.

About halfway through the third episode you begin to realize that you don't really want to be alone, rather you would like to have someone there, just sit with you. They wouldn't even have to talk, you just need someone there to let you know you're not completely alone right now.

As the credits of the episode roll, the count down to the next one begins beside it, a light knock pulls your eyes from the TV, with a small huff you pause the show just as starts playing and slowly make your way to the door. Opening it you find Loki standing before you bearing the gifts of crappy food that never fails to taste oh so good.

"I thought you might want some snacks," He informs you gesturing to the variety of different junk foods in his hands. "And perhaps some companionship?" He suggests, a hopeful smile gracing his lips as he meets your eyes.

"You know what," You begin with a small sigh before his smile seems to reflect onto your own lips. "Why not?" Opening the door you allow Loki to enter the room where you lead the way to the small couch.

"So what is it you're watching?" Loki asks as you snuggle yourself back into the nest of blankets you've made. Loki takes a seat next to you after setting the snacks down on the coffee table beside the couch.

"(F/S)." You state simply, when you turn to face him his face shows no signs of recognition, so you then go on to explain just what the show is about and the characters names and so on. Loki nodding along as you list off names, events leading to what's currently happening and anything else you think might be relevant to the episode.

"I think that's about everything you'll need to know." You finish, stopping to think a moment longer just to make sure you'd gotten everything, before nodding and turning back to the man across from you. "You think you've got everything?"

"I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out along the way if even if I don't." He replies smoothly, a thin smirk crossing his lips as you roll your eyes. As you press play on the remote, Loki manages to grab a few of the candies from the small pile you made whilst explaining and plop them into his mouth before you get the chance to even swipe him away.

"Hey!" You exclaim, your voice raised annoyance brimming in your tone, yet your face is disagreeing to show the signs as a wide grin begins to form. You reach over and grab the bag of chips Loki had been munching on, pulling it into your own lap and protectively surrounding them with your body, grabbing another chip from it once you finished chewing the last. You glance up from the bag, seeing Loki eyeing you with a grin as wide as your own, out of what seems to be nowhere a light laugh escapes him, just about causing you to fall out of your blanket nest.

You have never, not even once, heard Loki laugh in all his time at the tower. Sure he smiles, sometimes even breaks into a grin so wide you were surprised he never just dropped dead from actually having a good time. Yet his laugh is entirely different, his laugh is absolutely nothing like you've ever imagined it to be in the past, you assumed it would have something almost menacing about it, being the god of trickery and lies, though in fact it's as though it's the stark opposite of menacing. It's the most airy, genuine sound you've ever heard, just hearing it once and you're sure you never want to go a day without hearing it.

A Marvellous Coincidence// A Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now