Chapter Twenty Five

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~~Your P.O.V~~

As your screams consume the air, tears flood your vision, the only sounds coming from your mouth and the blood rushing though your ears. Your vision begins to spot as you're unable to scream any longer, your throat feeling completely raw.

"Enough." A familiar voice cuts through the air, though it sounds as if it's still miles away. At the sound of the word the burning within seems to dwindle and you're able to breathe once again.

You attempt to lift your head, but the task seems impossible, you settle for a tilt, a weak smile gracing you lips as you're met with the sight of Loki. Though the moment is short lived before it your neck can no longer maintain its strength and your head sinks once again.

"Ah, I was wondering when you'd decide to grace us with your presence." The titan spits, his venomous tone ringing through your ears, the sound alone almost making you nauseous.

"This is between you and myself, leave the girl out of it."

"Trying to disconnect yourself from her I see, it won't make a difference. It's obvious, as clear as the fact that every life ends." Though you can't find it in yourself to look up, you can feel Thanos' eyes on you all the same. "If you didn't care for her you would be gone, off to another planet an a feeble attempt to escape my wrath."

"If you let her go, leave her here unharmed, you can take me; Put me through tortures I could never comprehend, kill me, throw me to the darkest parts of Hel, just let (Y/N) go." His words seem to send a jolt of adrenaline coursing through you, your head bolting up to meet his eyes, though the sudden speed of your movements cause your vision to swim. Yet you keep your head still until your eyesight clears and you're met with Loki's icy blue eyes, no trace of magic or lies to be found.

" can't..." You manage to mumble, before the slow throbbing begins in your veins again a short gasp escaping you. A ripple effect going through the room, as Loki sends a murderous gaze to the titan only to be met with a deep chuckle before his face goes completely slack.

"She's right, that's not what's going to happen here." He curls his fist tighter, another jolt of pain coursing through you as you're forced to release another cry. "I want to make sure your torment is worthy of all the trouble you've caused me. The most effective way, I find, will be through her." Suddenly it felt as if all air had been expelled from your lungs, as if a a massive fist had punched you in the gut as another held you by your throat, cutting off any hope of air getting to you. Distantly you can here Loki attempting to bargain for your life, but you know it's a hopeless cause.

"Please-" Slowly the grip seems to release you, casting a glance at the gauntlet you see the stones bright gleam fading away until it was merely a hunk of amber. With as much strength as you can manage you drag yourself across the floor until Loki comes forth and leans down beside you. "I-"

" listen to that, the heroes all coming to save the day. This is cutting my plan short, but I guess I have been stalling for the most part." Faintly you hear the sound of the helacarrier above you, but footfalls are already rushing down the stairs, light but it would appear they're more worried about speed than stealth at the moment. "I must admit, it has been quite the experience to see you, of all people, begging for someone else's life. A bit refreshing isn't it? A pity it's all been for nothing."

The moment Thanos mentions you Loki's body stiffens, moving closer to you. You manage to shake off the aches, though the pounding in your head remains, and rise to a weak stand, holding tight to Loki for support.

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