Chapter Nine

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Happy Holidays! I hope you're all enjoying your breaks off from school and having fun without the burden of school work. Don't forget to let me know what you're thinking while reading in the comments, vote and follow if you like! Hehehe Loki and Spider-Man funko pops I'm in love, my family knows me so well. Anyways, happy holidays once again!

~~Your P.O.V~~

"And this is where you'll be staying." Tony says opening the door to a large room. The walls are decorated in modern way, but still has accents that show Tony's apperception for old rock. In other words modern with an edgy twist.

"Umm, Thanks." You say awkwardly, still kind of shaken from what he had said earlier. You glance up to find Tony looking at you, regret in his eyes.

"Listen, I umm. Well I just want to apologize in case I said anything that, you might have made you a little uncomfortable." Tony says with what looks to be something between a smile and a grimace. "It's just, well Clint is a lot of fun when he's all riled up, you know. I could not pass up that offer. Though I did mean what I said about you, smart and pretty are hard to come by sometimes so I'm looking forward to see what you come up with for the team."

"Thanks Tony, although I don't know exactly what you mean by come up with. I mean I'll be in the mythology department, I don't really know how big of a contribution I'll be making..." You tell him, trailing off thinking about all that you might be getting yourself into.

"Trust me, your help will be much appreciated in the event of having to deal with anything like that horned helmet freak last year." Tony reassures you while a sour look crosses his face. "Speaking of reindeer games, what went on between you two involving a cookie jar? This information would be for research purposes only of course." Tony tells you, giving him a confused look you raise you eyebrows at the man standing in front of you.

"What kind of research would this be used for? It sure doesn't sound all that impressive to me." You ask him, not believing him in the slightest.

"Shit, that usually works." Tony mutter to himself under his breath, though loud enough for you to hear.

"I don't have a problem telling you just for the sake of it, but you did say 'for research purposes' I would just like to know what that information would even be useful for." You state, eyebrows still raised at him, waiting for an answer.

"Okay, fine you caught me. There's no research to be done, but usually if I say research people answer."

"I see." You acknowledge nodding.

"Can you just tell me, please." Tony pleads you, looking as if he needed to know in order to complete his life's work.



"My final conclusion, he's a dick." Tony confirms as you finish telling him the story between you and Loki. Throughout you story Tony would give his input and advice on what he would've done, nine times out of ten you agreed with what he had to say the other time you'd just end up laughing. You easily knew that Tony and yourself would get along well in your time at the tower.

"I mean I knew he was a dick before, but taking someone's cookies. That just crosses the line from being an ass to becoming a fully fledged dick." He tells you shaking his head as he talks, trying his best to keep a straight face. Unlike yourself he seems to be doing a much better job, as you let out a small laugh that doesn't seem to want to end.

At some point Tony joined in on your seemingly endless laughing session and the two of you haven't been able stop yourselves.

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