Chapter Seventeen

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Before you start I just want to thank all of you for reading this, I never thought that this would story would grow the way it has, I mean 11.8K reads? Never did I think it would grow to the size it has, so I just want to say thank you all for sticking with me through the random updates and strange chapters, you are all truly amazing and I love you all, even if you're a ghost reader that doesn't vote I'm glad you're still enjoying the story. So thank you, your amazing, don't doubt yourself, and I hope you enjoy the chapter, don't forget to vote if you did!
Also I will be going through and editing up the earlier chapters when I can find time, but we gotta keep this going so it might not be fixed up for awhile.

~~Loki P.O.V~~

Everything seems to happen at once, three of Starks bots burst through the walls behind the main machine, causing the glass of which they were made to shatter on impact as they begin firing our group. The team springing into action, many of us leaping to avoid the on coming threat. I manage to grasp (Y/N) as I jump, she's frozen in what I can only assume to be a mixture of shock and fear, pulling her over the back of the couch and out of harms way, for the moment at least.

Rogers flips the coffee table up in front of himself, preventing the shots from hitting him only to have one of the suits charge him, throwing him down to the ground. As this happens I manage pull (Y/N) back up to her feet, doing my best to protect her from the machines are leading the attack against us. All across the room chaos is reining, Agent Hill is firing as many bullets as she can at the threats, but they won't let up in the slightest. Thor manages to swing Mjolnir into one of the oncoming bots, sending it spiralling through the air to the opposite side of the room.

I grab (Y/N)'s hand and bolt up a flight of stairs before pulling her under a table for cover, hoping to avoid the machines at all costs. In the panic I manage to focus my magic into a small protective barrier between ourselves and the disaster taking place around us. A light green aura surrounds the two of us and I stop to take a breath, attempting to think of some form of a plan but nothing comes to mind.

"What the hell is going on!" (Y/N) exclaims beside me, turning I force a hand over her mouth, giving her a look that hopefully says 'I'm sorry' as well as, 'I'm attempting to save your life, don't ruin it.' Thankfully she understands the message for the most part as she gives me a slight nod, though in her eyes both fear and anger a brewing. I slowly remove my hand and look away from the girl in front of me, annualizing the scene playing out around me.

Out of nowhere a shot is fired ahead of the two of us, followed by Barton sliding in under the already occupied table. I lift the magic around us for only a second to allow (Y/N)'s brother to enter before closing it off once again. He goes to look around only to find us beside him, leading him to stop for a minute as he gathered his thoughts on the matter.

"Well then," He starts, the surprise never leaving his face. "I didn't expect to meet the two of you down here. What brings you, the ambience lighting? Rustic look? Oh wait I've got it, perhaps it was the fucking robot trying to murder us all!" Clint manages to shout while keeping him voice down.

"That would be the one." I mutter under my breath as another one of the bots flys across the room placing its attack against Stark.

~~Your P.O.V~~

You almost smile at Loki's comment, that is until another shot is fired so close you can feel the floor beneath you shaking causing you to tense up again, a mix of fear and adrenaline being the only things keeping you from completely falling into a state fo panic.

"Look," Clint orders seriously, drawing our attention back to the man looking between us. "I don't fully trust you yet but seeing as how I don't exactly have a lot of options here so, I need you to take care of her for me." Clint's orders Loki, eye contact never faltering while his voice wavering slightly.

A Marvellous Coincidence// A Loki x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя