Chapter Fourteen

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Hey there extra long chapter ahead! Also I just want to thank all of you guys who have stuck around since the beginning of this story (it's not ending) and have helped me to get this story to 2.89k reads, IT'S CRAZY!

So thank you all and please don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter! Also if you don't already please go follow me, anyways enjoy the chapter!

~~Your P.O.V~~

You wake up, head still in the same place only the human pillow that is Tony Stark seems to have disappeared. Groggily you lift your head from the couch cushion that had replaced Tony sometime during your nap without your knowledge, scanning the room you see it's basically empty exempt from the one figure sitting on the opposite end of the couch watching the tv intently.

"Clint? What time is it, how long was I out?" You ask as you attempt to rub the remaining sleep from your eyes.

"Well, it was around three thirty when you fell asleep and it's about seven thirty now, so yeah." Clint tells you, eyes never seeming to leave the screen across the room, playing a documentary on hawks and what their role is in the environment. You roll your eyes before registering what your brother had actually said.

"I've been asleep for four hours?!" You ask, fury lacing you panic stricken voice as you yell. At this point your brother is looking at you, all attention on you instead of his fascinating bird program.

"I told you not to say up with Tony last night." He states playfully with a small smile.

"I just got a new job, at the Avengers Tower no less, and you let me fall asleep? I could've been researching, brainstorming, something! But instead you let me have a nap and sleep!" You sink yourself back into the sofa in defeat. "I'm so fired." You grumble into the pillow.

Out of the blue your brother starts laughing, not just a light laugh either, hysterically laughing.

"Why, may I ask, are you laughing?" You question, lifting your head just enough to give Clint a death glare.

"The hawk was chasing-"

"I take that back I don't want to know. I'm going to research that Than-guy, and hopefully not get fired."

"Good luck!" Clint calls as you walk down the hall farther away from the stupidity that seems to be clogging the air vents in that room. "You'll need it, Fury's a hard-ass!" He yells as you open the door, only to be met with the another hard figure, that being Director Fury himself.

You open your mouth to apologize though he only holds up a hand, signalling for you to wait.

"I'm an ass now am I?" Fury questions from the doorway, a sly smirk crossing his features as Clint seems to go into a state of shock.

"No sir!" Your brother exclaims, clearly surprised by the arrival of the Director. "Of course not, I said you've got a damn fine ass, sir. And that I love my job and wouldn't trade it for anything." Clint claims with a rather cheesy fake grin, trying to cover up the mess he's made for himself.

"Good cover Barton." Fury states sarcastically with an eye roll before turning to once again face you.

"Thank you, sir." Clint says with a mock salute before turning back to the tv.


"Sir I'm so sorry for falling asleep, I can assure you it will never happen again." You apologize for earlier behaviour.

"That's not what I'm here about, although that is a good attitude to have, admitting you mistakes." He says raising his voice slightly at the end to be sure Clint would hear it.

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