Chapter Twenty Six

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~~Your P.O.V~~

Slowly you pry your eyes open, your hearts pace beginning pick up once again the longer you struggle. Though the moment they're opened, you squeeze them back together at the sudden brightness of the room. By the time you open your eyes again the room is bustling with people, at least two nurses, both in colourful scrubs checking different charts and monitors around the room. A woman you can only assume to be the doctor is talking to those that must have been in the room before you awoke.

She stands before three people, three extremely familiar individuals. Quinn, Darren and Chase.

~~Loki's P.O.V~~

By the time Bruce finishes all the possible tests he can imagine would diagnose her with something, anything, it's an unreasonable time of the night. Yet not one of us can find it in ourselves to leave her side, trying to think of anyway to try and help.

"I've tried everything I can think of, nothing seems to be wrong with her physically, it's like she's sleeping. But her mind..." Bruce pauses, running a hand through his hair in frustration. The room stays silent, no one daring to interrupt what may be said next. "Her brain scans are all over the place. I don't understand how that much activity can be going on while she's like this, it's medically impossible. I...I can't find a way to treat this..."

All I can do is nod. I've already accepted that, Bruce, for all his intelligence could never figure this out; this is magic and deceit. This is Thanos' punishment for me, and I'm the only one who can possibly correct it.

"No." Clint's voice cuts through the stillness of the room like a knife, catching everyone's attention. "There has to be something, she can't just be...stuck like this."

"From what I can tell, it has to be some sort of spell. Some form of magic, likely from the stone." I say, a sense of hopelessness seeping into my words.

"Then do something!" Clint calls desperately, carefully making his closer to me. The misery in his eyes all the more visible the closer he gets.

"I've tried every spell, every jinx or hex I can think of and nothing, nothing has worked! Thanos told me, the longer she spends in there the less she'll remember from out here, but how am I supposed to do anything to help her when I can't figure out what he's done to her?" I holler at them. I sink into myself, head in my hands struggling to keep my emotions at bay while they stare.

" said brain activity?" A meek voice asks, on the verge of stuttering through her thick accent. The Maximoff girl.

"Yeah, her brain activity is all over the place." Bruce acknowledges, waiting for her to expand. It seems as if the room is holding their breathe, waiting for another idea.

"Well if her brain is showing signs of abnormalities, and we have the ability why wouldn't-"

"You want to go in her head," I interject, already seeing the bigger picture. I want to curse myself for not thinking of it, guilt and panic overrunning my mind, trampling over the one thought I hadn't been able to see. "Look at what she's going through."

"Would that work...I mean can we do that?" Steve asks, his arms crossed firmly across his chest, eyes showing every emotion he's feeling.

"I've never done it before-"

"I have," I announce, all eyes turning on me. "I don't know why I didn't think of this before..." I mutter to myself, ashamed of how I'd been raking my mind for the one thing that could help and had ignored it completely.

"We can't have all the answers." Thor says simply, the corners of his mouth raised slightly as a minuscule smile gracing his features. All I can manage is a ghost of one in return.

A Marvellous Coincidence// A Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now