Chapter Six

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I just want to thank all you guys for the comments on the last chapter, I found them really helpful knowing that you guys enjoy reading this. Keep on reading, voting, and commenting, I always appreciate them! Also I just saw Thor Rangnarok today and let me just say, IT WAS MARVELLOUS! LOKI, LOKI, LOKI! If you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend it. I loved it, definitely on my Christmas list. Anyways let me know if you like this chapter.

~~Your P.O.V~~

You reach the front door of the house looking, in your opinion anyway, quite presentable. Your H/C hair's held away from your face by a tight bun. (If your hair isn't long enough to put in a bun you can imagine a different style. You can chose whatever kind of clothes you want to wear, my choices would probably be different than yours... so read on)

"Hello?" You call, expecting your mom or dad to come and greet you. "Guys, I'm here!" You exclaim when nobody seems to notice your arrival, you head into the kitchen to see your mom standing over the stove cooking something. Her head turns when you put your bag on the counter.

"Hi honey, how was your day?" You raise your eyebrows at her.

"I just basically screamed at you from across the house and that's the first thing you ask me, really?" You say exasperated.

"I was going to tell you I was in the kitchen, but I was in the middle of something and you didn't give me ten second to respond. I'm sorry I apologize." She tells you looking just as frustrated.

"Oh...oops?" Embarrassment getting the best of you. "Where's dad?" You ask hoping to change the subject.

"Lab, attic. You should go get him." Your mother tells you as she adds more food to the table.

"Okay. Quick question, why's the so much food?" You ask gesturing to the table which held more food than what she usually makes.

"Don't you worry about that, and go get your father." She orders, pushing you out the kitchen.

You walk through the old house on your way up the stairs to get your dad while looking at all the old pictures, you pass the one of the first pictures that you actually remember taking. It includes a three year old version of yourself wearing a dress that you hated as child with a passion, but still managing to smile for the picture. Your mom and dad stand beside you, both looking much younger than they are now, with large smiles on there faces. Your eyes are drawn to the one person you try to convince yourself doesn't exist, Clint. Your small self is set upon his shoulders as you're both grinning wildly, when this picture was taken you didn't known it would be one of the last times you'd see your brother.

You feel you eyes start to sting and you turn abruptly and begin walking down the hall again, blinking repeatedly to stop any tears from escaping.

~~Clint's P.O.V~~

I turn the music down as I turn into the lane of my parents yard, regret fills me as I see how much I've missed the place without actually thinking about it until now. As I drive closer to the house I spot an old Ford F-150 sitting in the driveway, I shake my head as I fully come to terms that I'll be seeing her again.

Slowly I get out of the car, dreading the look I'll get when someone opens the door, hopefully not her. I get to the front door and simply stand there, my hand's raised to knock but I just can't bring my self to do it. I shake my head.

"You can do this, you're Hawkeye, you work with the Avengers on a daily basis. You can do this." I give myself a pep talk and quickly knock three times.

I can here someone scrambling in the kitchen and someone rushing down the stairs.

"I'll get it!" I can hear her say through the door, that's the moment I start realize I'm not ready,but she's already opened the door.

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