Chapter Fifteen

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~~Clint's P.O.V~~

"Freedom flyers really?" I question as I turn to face Tony.

"Think about it, Steve's Mrs. All American, and you're the little birdie, put it together you get 'The Freedom Flyers'." He says the name using his hands to add extra emphasis. "Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?"

"You're running out of nicknames aren't you?" Steve asks while running a hand through his hair.

"Not just yet Mr. Incredible, getting close but not quite." Tony claims, rolling my eyes I turn my head to face (Y/N). She seems rather shocked that no one is arguing and in all honesty, so am I.

"Fury, what's the verdict?"

~~Your P.O.V~~

"He has agreed to help whether you like it or not. He holds valuable information and is willing to tell us, I'd say that's win on our part." Director Fury explains, slowly making his way out of the room.

"But sir, we don't-"

"Have any reason to trust him, I am aware Barton, but if it turns out he's lying to us we can always have Thor take him up to Asgard and see if Odin let's him come back or not." Fury announces with a small smirk when Loki stiffens the All-Fathers name.

"If I might interject," Says Loki. "What's in it for me is that the entire universe, not to mention everyone in it, doesn't face the wrath of this so-called 'Mad Titan'."

"But why? Couldn't you, with all your mischief and magic, figure out someway to escape? And why is he after our universe in the first place?" Steve fires, clearly waiting to try and convince the team this will prove to be a bad idea.

"Thanos will find me no matter where I go, your plant is the best equipped to... handle shall I say, the vengeance he carries with him as he comes this way. Also he will come after your planet specifically because he believes it to be "imbalanced", you also defeated me once. That cost him both the space and mind stone."

"Wait, what do you mean imbalanced?" You ask, not understanding the statement.

"Whenever a planet has a flaw of some kind of massive flaw that is causing half the population to suffer he deems himself worthy to murder half so the others my live in peace. No need to worry about rationing when food is scarce if half the people of the planet aren't there to eat it." Loki explains pure loathing lingering in his eyes even after he's finished speaking.

"He would go around to any planet he thought of as chaotic and he would have his men kill the people in droves..." The look of loathing seen in his eyes only a moment before almost simmers down as a face consumed by dread thickens, his eyes seeming to look back upon a long pushed aside memory.

Loki shakes his head, clearly not wanting to relive the vivid thoughts. "And if he were to apprehend all six of the stones... well let's just say he won't be needing as many men to do his job."

The room is completely silent after Loki's testimony, no one daring to speak if anymore is to be added.

"Woah." Steve says breathless while reclining back into his chair, clearly trying to process all the information that's been thrown to the table. "Okay... where do we start."


"Loki! Where did you put the file on the so-called 'imbalanced' planets we researched?"

"White desk, bottom drawer, left-hand side. The blue folder." He calls back from across the room where he sits reading into another one of Thanos's planet wide massacres.

A Marvellous Coincidence// A Loki x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum