Just Relax.

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Part 23 

** Liam's POV ** 

Today lessons were cancelled for everyone as we had to rehearse for tour. It was kind of annoying that Charlotte couldn't come and watch. I really wanted her close with me after what I found out yesterday. I didn't even suspect a thing about how much she was hurting herself. It made me feel like the worst boyfriend in the history of the world! 

I know Jasmine and Charlotte were getting quite close before the whole Katie thing happened so I decided to give them a day out. Well Jasmine doesn't know about me and Charlotte so I gave Charlotte some gift tickets for them both to go to a spa and get some massages, facials and their nails done. 

She needs a good day to relax and why not do it in the tranquil setting of a spa with a Friend? 

I was taken out of my thoughts when I got a text. 


She must have seen the spa tickets. I didn't give them to her in person I just slipped them under her door with the message 'For you and Jasmine! Have fun! Liam <3' 

I text back 

Liam : I'm glad your happy! You need a good day of pampering! If you don't mind don't do anything with her tonight as I want you to myself! ;) DATE NIGHT!! 

I know what girls are like, I have two sisters so I should, so she should get excited at the sound of a date night! 

Charlotteee <3 : Yayyy! Can't wait! What are we doing? Where are we going I need to know! 

I needed her to bring some things so I decided to tell her. 

Liam : The beach! Bring a bikini unless you want to go skiny dipping ;) I wouldn't mind! 

I love messing with her like this. I know she will find it funny were always messing about like this! 

Charlotteee <3 : You would love that wouldn't you! Naughty! I will bring a bikini. Going to go and tell Jazzie

Liam : Don't tell her they're from your boyfriend who is also your teacher and part of One Direction though. Tell her you got them for you and Katie but she can't come as she doesn't come here anymore. Love you! Speak tonight :)

Charlotteee <3 : Okay! See you tonight :) Love you!! :) 

** Charlotte's POV ** 

After texting Liam back I quickly texted Jas telling her I would be over and I had a surprise for her. 

I hope she isn't doing anything today as I really want a day for us to bond and this will be the perfect time! 

I walked out of my dorm and down the hall to her dorm. It wasn't a long walk just over 30 seconds as she was the other side of the block. 

 Once I got to her room I knocked on the door and waited for her to open it. 

When she did she had a huge smile on her face but still in her fuzzy penguin onsie. I laughed at her outfit. "I only just got up! I only had enough time to do my makeup!" I laughed and she invited me in closing the door behind us. 

"Well get changed, we have a date with a spa!" I told her and she had to do a double take. 

"WHAT?!" She screamed excitedly!

"I have these" I showed her the tickets. "For us. Now get changed! We need to go ASAP!" She squeeled then ran to her wardrobe. 

"Give me like two seconds!!!" She grabbed an outfit and hurried into the bathroom. 

"Once your ready I need to grab my bag then we can go! Get your keys too we need to drive there!" I called to her through the door. 


We pulled up at the spa and got out. 

"Well this looks posh!!" Jasmine gasped.

"He must of spent some serious cash on us." I mumbled.

"What?" Jas asked.

"Oh nothing. Let's go in!"

We'll walked into the building to find it all white and clean. It smelt heavenly!

"Hello lady's! How can I help you?" The kind woman on reception asked.

"We have these." I said handing over the tickets.

"Ah brilliant! You have all facilities to your self's as Mr Pay-" I couldn't let her finish that sentence or Jas would want to know why Liam had done this for us and want to know why.

"Thank you, could you show us in?" They both gave me a weird look but agreed.

"Okay just stay in here the people doing your treatments should be in soon!" I smiled and mouthed a sorry as she left.

"So now we just Relax!" I said laying down on one of the two beds and Jasmine laughed at me.



How are you guys? I don't think I ever ask you that!

So I have this massive crush on a boy in Geography and we get really close during lessons so I told my 3 oldest friends and one of them made a plan with me to ask him if he wants to go to town because I will be '5th wheeling' when really they are bringing boy friends not actually going out and they will like try and set us up..

I don't know if he will say yes though.. I was up till midnight worrying about it!



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