Chapter 13

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I don't know how long I've been here. It feels like just yesterday I had been kidnapped by that god-awful human being. I haven't ate in what felt like forever, but I drink water everyday. Everyday I wish I could look out a window but I can't. I don't even know if it's morning or night right now. All I know is that everyday the beatings are getting worse. I hear the sound of the lock and see the door open at the top of the stairs. Jenny walks down the stairs with a tray of food and a water bottle.

"Here," she says setting it down.

I noticed that each day she gets nicer. She would throw my tray down at first but now she said sit down carefully.

"Take these," she says handing me some white pills.

"No," I say pushing her hand away.

"Oh stop being stubborn," she says. "They're pain pills."

"How do I know your not lying again?," I ask.

"Oh come on," she says. "Just take the damn pills!"

I sigh. "Fine."

I gulped down the pills and close my water bottle.

"Now eat," she says.

"No way."

Jenny rolls her eyes and takes a bite of the ham and cheese sandwich she brought me.

"See," she says. "I wouldn't eat it if there was something in it."

I look at her and bite my lip nervously. "Okay."

I pick up the sandwich and take a small bite. As I chew, the bursts of flavor explode in my mouth and I suddenly crave more. My stomach feels bubbly as I finally eat something. Jenny gets up and walks away.

"Wait," I say.


"How long have I been here?," I ask.

"Two months now," she says before leaving the room and locking the door.

"T-two m-months?," I stutter quietly. "Oh my baby. She hasn't been me in two months..."

I suddenly lose the urge to continue eating. Putting down my sandwich, I roll up in the corner of the bed and listen to The quiet sound of raindrops.


It's been a total of 2 months. We've put up missing person signs and wanted posters for Jasmine and Jenny. We've called Jasmine's parents like 50 times and never got an answer. We have no leads, and without her parents calling back, all we can do for now is hope they don't find a body. We found the cameras and took them down. Jason tried figuring out who bought them, but there were no records of it. Matt has lost it completely, or at least that's what everyone thinks. He won't admit to himself that he's losing his mind; but around Nova, he's a dad that protects. Everyone had started working again two days ago. They couldn't call in sick anymore and we needed money. Matt still goes to his classes at night and I do Aniya's class work for her but online. Bianca works online as well. She said she couldn't go back to California knowing her best friend is still missing. I respect that. Leena is not okay. She cries every night and now prays every night; along with everyone else. So far, we all are living in Matt and Aniya's apartment. We're trying to stay close to where everything happened just in case she shows up. Right now, it's just Nova and I sitting in the living room watching TV. She took her first steps last week and we all took videos. Every night she asks for Aniya, and none of us show it in front of her; but, it breaks our hearts.

"Hey," Bianca says coming downstairs.

"Oh hey," I say smiling. "I didn't know you were here."

"Yeah I've been upstairs working nonstop," she says. "What are you guys doing?"

Bianca sits down next to me on the floor.

"We are watching Max and Ruby," I say laughing. "Its her new favorite show."

Bianca laughs. "I understand why. It's cute bunnies."

I laugh. "True."

She looks at me and smiles.

"Jordan," Nova calls out. "J-juice juice."

I smile. "Say please."

"Pwease," she says.

I smile and hand her one of her bottles off the table.

"Did you teach her that?," Bianca asks.

"Sort of," I say. "I had some help from ABC mouse."

"Isn't she kind of young?," Bianca asks.

"Sort of," I say. "But Aniya wanted to start her on it as soon as possible."

"That's good," Bianca says.

"Yeah," I say. "So how are you doing with Aniya being gone?"

"I miss her," Bianca says. "A lot."

I see the tears whell up in her eyes.

"I wish she was home," she says. "I knew Jasmine was crazy but not this crazy."

"I know," I say. "But we'll find her."

"Are you sure?," she asks.

"I'm positive."

Bianca looks at me and leans in slowly. Her lips touch mine and I feel the fire inside my body burn.

*Hope you enjoyed! I wrote this chapter right after I updated chapter 12😂. Proud of myself. But I've been busy so I had been waiting to type it. But love you guys! ByeBye!💖*

 But love you guys! ByeBye!💖*

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Word Count: 865

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