Chapter 7

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*Hey! Hope you enjoy!💖*

I almost died. 3 hours of going through dresses was miserable; although, we did find dresses for all of us. Now we have to hope and pray that they are altered and still fit Us in two weeks. Right now, we're on our way to CiCi's pizza for lunch -- which is not a good thing to eat after dress fitting. When we get there, I don't make it out the car before Matt runs over to Nova and I to hug and kiss us. I love him so much but God he's clingy; however, I wouldn't change him for the world.

We walk inside CiCi's and pay before sitting down our stuff and running to go smash some pizza. I grabbed Nova her bottle and sit her in a highchair to eat. We all sit and eat as we talked about the wedding.

"Aniya?," I hear from behind us.

I turn around and meet eyes with a familiar looking girl.

"Um, hi," I say as I try to remember her name.

"Its me Jenny," she says. "From the gas station."

"Oh yeah," I say. "Its nice seeing you."

"You too," she says. "Its nice seeing you."

"You too," she says. "So, what have you been up to?"

"Nothing really," I say. "Preparing for my mom's wedding."

"That sounds like lots of fun," she says. "But I was just eating and saw you so I thought I'd come say hi."

"Oh alright," I say.

Jenny kept the conversation going between her and I but I noticed that her eyes wouldn't just stay on me. They'd move over to Matt for like 30 seconds and then back to me. The urge to speak up about it was on the tip of my tongue but I'd rather not start anything.

"Ready to go babe?," Matt asks as he stands up with the rest of my family. "You have classes tomorrow morning."

"Uh yeah," I say. "Well I gotta go Jenny, but I'll see you around."

Jenny smiles at me and I awkwardly smile back. We pick up Nova and head out the door to the cars. Matt, Nova, Bianca, and I all piled into my truck will everyone else went into Johns. We drove to Mom's house and dropped Bianca off and then head back home. The ride home felt shorter than ever. When we got to the apartment we didn't waste any time on getting into bed. I don't think I've ever been so exhausted. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out; but not before Matt kissed me goodnight.

The Next Morning

The peaceful sleep I was having just HAD to be disturbed by my damned alarm clock. My classes start at 9:30 a.m. so I wake up at 7:30 to start getting ready. Climbing out of bed, I walk into the bathroom quickly so I don't wake Matt and Nova. I do my usual shower routine with a face mask, then I lotion my body before leaving the bathroom. Walking into the closet, I go through my clothes to find an outfit. I grabbed my white ripped jeans, my black and white shirt, and my checkerboard shoes to match.

 I grabbed my white ripped jeans, my black and white shirt, and my checkerboard shoes to match

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