Chapter 6

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*Hey guys! I am updating as much as possible. I hope you are enjoying the second book but I hope you enjoy this chapter too!💖*

"Hi mom," I say walking into the living room.

"Hey honey," she says running up and hugging me.

"Oh I missed you so much," I say squeezing her lightly.

Mom kisses my cheek and pulls away to hug Matt and Nova.

"Where's everyone else?," I ask.

"Bianca is on her way from the airport, Maria and Marcus are on there way from the house, Amanda and Jason are downstairs, and John is going to meet us for lunch," mom says.

"Why is he meeting us for lunch?," Matt asks.

"Well," mom says. "Actually all the guys will be meeting us later."

I look at mom confused on why. She looks at me and smiles.

"We're going dress shopping," she says.

My eyes widen. "Seriously!"

"Yep," she says.

I smile and hug my mom quickly.

"So that means that Matt and them are going tux fitting," I say pulling out the hug.

"Yep," mom says.

I turn around and smile up at Matt.

"You'll look so handsome in your suit," I say kissing his lips.

"Oh I know," he says laughing.

I roll my eyes and hit his arm.

"Eh!," Nova yells at me.

"Seriously," I laugh. "You turned my daughter against me?"

"Hey you started it," Matt says.

"Whatever," I laugh.


I turn around and my body hits the ground.

"Goodness, missed me much?," I laugh as I hit Bianca back.

"Definitely not," she says helping me up.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah okay."

"Hey Matt," she says hugging Matt. "How's school for you guys?"

"Its okay," Matt says. "Classes aren't very difficult."

"That's good," she says.

"What about you Bianca?," I ask. "How's Standford University out there in Cali.?"

"Its actually really good," she says. "My mom and dad's Will money is doing me good."

"Thats good," Matt says.

"Matt!," we hear.

Maria and Marcus walk in and she beams with happiness.

"Mom!," he says smiling widely.

They hug as Bianca holds Nova. Amanda and John walk up from the basement and look at us.

"You do understand we saw each other four days ago right?," Amanda says.

"Yea but we used to always be around each other so it's a big deal when we all see each other," Bianca says.

"True," Amanda says. "Come show us some love!"

We all walk over to them and hug. After about 45 minutes we leave in our separate cars. Ladies going to "Stella York" and the men going to "Men's Warehouse." The drive isn't long from home so we get there in a good 5 minutes.

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