Chapter 9

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*Ring, ring!*

"What's up Jordan," I say through the car speaker.

"Its not Jordan," says the familiar voice. "Its Matt."

"Goodbye," I say as I was about to hang up.

"No please hold on," Matt says. "Just hear me out baby."

I sigh. "Okay."

"Aniya, I would never do that to you," he says. "I love you more than anything and I don't know what I'd do without you. Baby please don't leave me."

I don't say anything as I feel the tears slide down my cheeks.

"Where's Jordan?," I ask him.

Matt sighs. "In the church with the family."

"Alright, tell them I'm on my way."

And with that, I hang up the phone. My tears sat upon my face and then my eyes. I miss him more than anything, and I no it wasn't his fault. I don't even know why I'm being this way towards him; however, the thought of him being disgusted by me always sneaks its way into my mind. And now that I think about it, it's probably why I'm not talking to him. All I know is that I miss him more than anything; and that I don't deserve someone as great as him.

I pull into the church parking lot at 7:30 and park my truck by the door. Getting out, I grabbed Nova and head inside. I follow the sound of voices that lead me to the bride's room. I open the door and walk in.

"Aniya!," Bianca says. "What happened?"

I didn't say anything as I sat Nova down.

"I don't want to talk about it," I say. "So, lets get dolled up and do this thing."

A pool on a smile and leave the room to go get addresses from a truck.

"Hey Conner," I say smiling. "Where are the dresses?"

"They are right here," he says pointing at a rack of hangers. "You guys need any help with hair and make up? Cause I would love to paint your guy's faces."

I laugh. "Sure come on."

He grabs his makeup bag and I pushed the rack inside the church and into our room.

"Hey guys," I say. "Connor is doing our makeup and hair."

"Oh thank God," mom says. "I couldn't find anyone to do it."

"Well now we got someone," I say smiling.

"Alright, let me set up at this mirror and then we can start with whoever wants to go first," Connor says.

I let Amanda and them go first just so I can clear my head. I leave Nova in the room with them and walk outside to get some fresh air.

"Hey Aniya."

I turn around and smile at Jordan.

"Oh hey," I say. "How long have you been here?"

"Too long," he laughs. "I had to drop Matt off at the house so he could get his truck. Then I was too tired to leave again so I've just been hanging around here."

"Oh alright," I say. "Uh, where'd you pick Matt up from anyways?"

Jordan looks at me. "Nowhere," he says. "He's been staying at my house."

"Oh cool," I say.

"Aniya, what's going on?," Jordan asks.

"I know he told you what happened," I say.

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