Chapter 4

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*Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying! I'm working on these updates I promise. But anyways, enjoy!💖*

"Jasmine is back Matt," Jordan says. "And she sent some back up."

Matt doesn't say anything all he does is looks at me.

"Is it true Aniya?," he says in a whisper.

I nod my head sadly. "Yes."

Matt's head lands in his hands. "How do you know?," he asks.

I look at Jordan and nod my head.

"She's been sending me letters for awhile now saying she sent someone to spy on you guys and give her information until she can escape from prison," Jordan says.

"Have you called the police?," Matt asks.

"We can't," I say quietly. "She said she'd hurt Nova and you if anyone found out."

"Jasmine doesn't know I'm sharing information with Aniya and we're trying to keep it that way."

"Oh," Matt says.

"I took a big risk coming here in mid daylight," Jordan says.

"Then how are you guys talking other than text or call?," Matt asks.

"You know how I've been gone most nights with our neighbor?," I ask Matt nervously.

"Yea," he says.

"Well, that was a lie," I say. "Jordan would sit outside in his car and wait for me whenever he had new information. Like last night, I was with him at the diner."

"Wha-... You've been lying to me Niya?," Matt asks.

"Yes, and I'm sorry baby," I say. "I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to be mad and I just couldn't risk you and Nova. It was Jordan's idea for us to tell you."

Matt didn't say anything for a minute. He stood up, grab the car keys and walked out the front door. I felt my heart shatter when I heard the truck come to life and become a distant sound. Nova started to whine and I rubbed her hand while the rest of me was still in shock.

"What just happened?," I say quietly.

"Has he called you back yet?," Jordan asks as he makes Nova another bottle.

"No," I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"I'm sorry," Jordan says. "Its all my fault, I shouldn't have said anything."

"Don't apologize," I tell him. "It was the right thing to do."

Jordan sighs. "But this happened."

"I know," I say. "He'll come back though."

I look at Jordan give him a small smile.

"Take Nova and go upstairs," Jordan says. "You two need to sleep."

"Are you leaving?," I ask Jordan.

"Do you want me to?," he asks.

"No," I say.

"Alright," he says. "Can I have a blanket and a pillow? I'll sleep on the couch."

"Yeah," I say.

I walk to the closet by the front door and grab a big blanket and a pillow for Jordan. Closing the door, I walk over to Jordan and hand him the stuff.

"Thanks," he says.

"No problem," I say.

"I'm going to lock the door and stay up until he comes back," Jordan says. "But you and Nova need to go to sleep."

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