Chapter 10

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"Now, repear after me," says the priest. "I, Leena Gilbert."

"I, Leena Gilbert," mom repeats.

"Take you John Renalds," says the priest.

Mom repeats everything the priest says and then he looks at John.

"Repeat after me," he says to John. "I, John Renalds."

"I, John Renalds."

"Take you, Leena Gilbert," says the priest.

John repeats everything the priest says.

"You may now swap rings," the priest says.

We all watch as the to swap rings and hold hands again.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," he says. "Mr. Renalds, you may now kiss Mrs. Renalds."

We watch as John carefully grabs mom's face and kisses her with a smile on his face. Everybody claps loudly and we watch as Mom and John walk back down the aisle. The Bridesmaids and groomsmen follow in the order they came in. We all walk to an attached building where the wedding reception is held. Music plays as everyone finds a table to sit at as they file in. We sit at a long table that's only for the bride, groom, my groomsmen, and bridesmaids.

The party lasts for what feels like forever. We watch as Mom and John have a dance together. Looking back, I'm so happy I gave him a chance with my mom.

"Hey," Jordan says.

"Oh hey," I say. "What's up?"

"Nothing," he says. "But I have a question."

"And I may have an answer," I say.

"Well uh, is Bianca here with anyone?," he asks.

I smirk. "No, she is not."

"Thanks," he says.

"Oh no problem," I say. "Go get the girl."

I wink at him as he throws me the bird (middle finger). I smile and watch Jordan walk up to Bianca and hold out his hand towards her. His mouth moves and I can tell she's a little tensed up at first; but then, she grabs his hand and smiles up at him.

"I ship it," I say to myself quietly.

I look across the room and watch my grandma hold Nova in the air. A smile finds its way to my face.

"Would you like to dance?"

I turn around and look at Matt.

"Yes," I say a little too fast.

He smiles at me as I grab hold of his hand. Matt slowly pulls me onto the dance floor with everyone else. His left hand moves to my waist as his other hand grabs my hand. Our bodies are pushed together while we move slowly back and forth.

"You look great in your dress," he tells me quietly.

"Thank you," I say smiling. "I love the suit; it looks good on you."

"Thank you," he says.

We're silent for a minute. And the things I have to say sit on the tip of my tongue.

"I'm sorry."

The words come out quickly and unexpected.

"You shouldn't be-."

"No," I say interrupting Matt. "I shouldn't have been so hostile towards you. I should have believed you. At that moment, the only thing that was going through my head was what you really thought of me. You had a beautiful girl on your lap kissing all on you while you're living with a chubby girl that disgust you, and a baby that's not yours. I know you want more in your life Matt. You're still young instead of caring for a child, you should be out partying and hanging out with guys."

The tears are constantly falling as I ramble on and on. Everything I've thought and felt for these 2 weeks is finally coming out. And when I'm done talkin, I'm not the only one crying. I vision is blurry as I look into Matt's beautiful tear filled eyes.

"Aniya Lesile Gilbert," he says quietly. "Stop. Stop thinking like that. You are the only girl I will ever love. YOU! Just YOU. You are beautiful, smart, funny, kind, weird, Brave, strong, and an outstanding girl. You are perfect in my eyes. I don't care about other girls kissing all on me because I. WANT. YOU. I want a life with you and only you. I HAVE a life with YOU and only YOU. I don't care if Nova isn't my blood, because I love her either way. Baby I need you more than anything, and these two weeks have been complete hell without you. I want to marry you Aniya. I want to protect you and Nova forever."

I watch through blurry eyes as Matt reaches into his pocket and pulls out my ring.

"This," he says. "This was never supposed to come off. When you took off this ring, I felt my heart shatter and watched my world die slowly. I need you Aniya. If you don't love me anymore then tell me. It will be hard for me to process it, but if you don't then I will respect your decision. Right here, right now, I'm going to ask you this one more time. Will you marry me Aniya?"

I felt my heart skip merrily. My arms wrapped around his neck as my lips pressed against his.

"I love you," I whisper against his lips. "And I will marry you Matt Evans."

He smiles and kisses my lips again. I could feel warmth spread throughout my body. He has no idea how much I love him.

3 Hours Later

It's 7 at night and Nova and I just got home. Matt is staying at Jordan's one more night before coming back in the morning. He said he was giving me another day to collect my thoughts --which is what I really needed-- so he said he'd be back in the morning. I bath Nova and lay her down in her crib. She drinks her milk and lays in bed playing with her toys.

Smiling, I leave her room and go take a shower before pulling on my blue velvet pajama shorts and top. Sleep takes over as soon as my head hits my pillow.

*Ring, ring!*

"Ugh," I groan.

I turn over in bed and look at my phone. ~11:30 pm~

"Yes Jordan?," I groan.

"Aniya listen to me," he says in a panicked tone. "Get Nova and leave the house now. Jasmine escaped and she's coming after you. I can't get ahold of Matt and I'm being talked to by the FBI. Do you need to leave now!"

"Okay I'm leaving," I say jumping out of bed.

Suddenly, I feel the stab of a needle and watch my body hit the ground. My eyes grow heavy and my limbs are numb.

"Aniya!," I hear through the phone.


My phone is crushed and the clicking of heels fills the room. As my eyes close slowly, Nova is the very last thing on my mind as I see black.

*Hope you enjoyed! Sorry to end it like this guys. But I love you! Byebye!💖*

 But I love you! Byebye!💖*

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Word Count: 1,150

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