Chapter 19

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*Hiiiiiiiiiii, so this MAY be the last chapter. I'm not completely sure yet. It just depends on how much I'll be writing in this chapter. But there's a chance I'll be writing this chapter, another one, and then epilogue. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!💖*



I jump out of bed and run downstairs.

"What happened!," I yell.

Bianca looks at me with a smile that spreads ear to ear while holding Nova on her hip.

"Oh I'm sorry," she says. "I just got a call from Jordan saying he's on his way back. He also said that she's dead."

"Wait what?," I say quietly.

Bianca looks at me and smiles with teary eyes.

"She's dead Matt," she says. "Gone."

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. ~We're finally safe...~

"Everything will be okay now," she says.

"I know," I whisper. "Nova can grow up without anymore past drama."


The door opens and mom walks in with Leena, John, Marcus, and Amanda. They all sit down on the couches.

"What are you guys doing here?," I ask them.

"Jordan called all of us and told us to come back here," Amanda said. "He said it was really important."

"Oh, well speak of the devil," I say as I see the FBI trailers pull into the parking spaces.

The front door opens and Jordan walks in with Jason.

"Jordan!," Bianca yells.

Sheehan's Nova to me and jumps into Jordan's open arms. While they did that, Jason wrapped his arms around Amanda and kissed her.

"I missed you," Amanda whispered.

Jordan and Bianca pull away but they don't disconnect from each other.

"Why did you call us all here?," Leena asks.

"Well...," Jason says. "Jasmine is dead."

Leena gasps; along with everybody else.

"W-what," Leena says. "A-are you sure?"

"Yes, I checked her pulse and there was nothing," he says. "You guys are safe now."

Leena walks over to Jordan and hugs him tightly.

"Thank you Jordan," she says pulling away. "And thank you Jason."

"Your welcome," he says smiling. "But that's not the only good thing that has happened."

"What is it?," they all say.


Jason smiled at me and I can't help but give him a goofy grin.

"So," I say. "I brought something home for you guys."

I walk over to the door and open it slowly. The room immediately goes silent as the two walk in.

"W-what," Matt stutters quietly.

Leena stand up slowly.

"A-aniya?," she says quietly, her voice slightly cracking.

She smiles at Leena.

"Yeah, it's me mom," she whispers as tears fill her eyes.

Leena stands there in shock while Matt inches towards her. He hands Nova to Bianca and continues his way to her.

The Small Things 2: Their PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now