Chapter 11

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*I'm back! Hope you enjoy!💖*

I felt cold. And the constant dripping of water echoed through my ears. My fingers moved and so did my legs. When I open my eyes, I feel the light burn in them. They wander around the empty room. My head pounded as I moved my body to sit up. A mattress sat on the floor in a corner. As I sat there looking around, memories of what happened before I woke up rush through my head. A panic sets in and I stand up quickly walking around the room.

"Nova?," I say quietly.

I can feel my tears push against the barrier. I couldn't cry, I had to stay strong. The clicking sound moves above my head, and the feeling that stirs in the pit of my stomach is unpleasant. The creaking of a door echos around me and I stand there waiting like a fool. She walks down the stairs and smirks at me.

"You ran," she says. "But you didn't hide very well."

My past has caught up with me once again. And as she stood in front of me just glaring at me, I knew I wouldn't make it out of here alive.


She was here... she was in my house and took my fiance. At 3:30 in the morning when I finally got back from classes, I checked my phone on the way to Jordans and almost swerved off the road. Immediately, I drove over to the apartment. I walked into the house quietly. No one was downstairs so I ran upstairs into Nova's room first and felt my body go numb. She laid in her bed peacefully. I pick her up and kiss her forehead. She moves in my arms and relief calms my body.

I leave the room with Nova in my hands and go to our room. A needle sat on the floor along with Aniya's cracked phone.

"No, no, no, no, no," I cry out. "Aniya where are you baby."

Tears fill my eyes as I quickly getting over stuff together. Leaving the house, I drive to Jordan's first. When I get there and lock his door and walk in.

"Oh my god," I say putting Nova and her seat down.

I run over to Jordan and roll him over. A cut was on his eyebrow and his lip. Picking up my phone I called 911. An ambulance was coming for Jordan but when I called back for information about what was happening with Aniya; they told me they'd investigate but, since she hasn't been missing for twenty-four hours they can't do anything about it. As I wait for the ambulance to show up, I call Amanda, John, Jason, Leena, and everyone else.

"Hello?," Leena says.

"Leena I need you to stay calm when I tell you something," I say.

"Matt," she says. "What's going on?"

I take a deep breath and a swallow the lump in my throat.

"Aniya is missing Leena," I say. "And Jasmine escaped last night."

I hear Leena scream over the phone and listen to her loud sobs.

"W-what happened to her?," she sobs.

"I-... I don't know," I say. "I wasn't home."

She sobs louder and I feel as though I'll be sick.

"I'm coming home," she says before hanging up.

The ambulance comes roaring down the road. Well they come inside, I moved aside and got in the car with Nova to drive to the nearest hospital.



I fall to the floor once again. The tears that want to escape are locked in tight.

"Get up," Jasmine says. "Get up!"

I push myself off the floor and stand in front of her. She slaps me again and I fall once more.

"You're useless," she spits.

I don't say anything and I know she doesn't like that. I feel her heel stab into my stomach and I clutched my stomach in pain. I hear the clicking of her heels and then the slam of a door; followed by the sound of the lock. Carefully, I roll over and crawl to the bed in the corner. My tears slide down my cheeks. My cries are quiet as I lay on the mattress.

"M-matt," I cry quietly.

I let sleep overpower ny body and watch as I walk down a dark tunnel.
"Get up."

I feel cold water sting my body and I jump up gasping for air. I look up a Jenny with a scowl.

"What the hell do you want?," I ask her.

"You need to eat," she says putting down a tray. "You've been out for a week."

My eyes widen. "A week?"

"Yeah," she says. "Now eat."

Jenny turns around and leaves. I look at the food and push it away. ~I can't believe I've been sleeping for a week... Haven't even been looking for me?~

At The Apartment


"Your not doing anything!," I yell through the phone. "She's been missing for a fucking week and your not doing anything about it!"

"Sir please call down," the women over the phone says. "We're doing everything we can."

"NO your not!," I yell. "If you won't go find her then I will."

I hang up the phone and throw it on the couch. Everyone sat on the couch while I stood up pacing the living room. I haven't slept all week and I'm not planning on it happening anytime soon.

"Matt calm down," Jason says. "If they won't look for her than my team and I will."

"What if we never find her?," I say as tears well up in my eyes. "She probably thinks we're not even looking."

I sorry and to pick up Nova. I walk upstairs and into the bedroom. Sitting over on the bed, I wrap her up in Anaya's sunflower hoodie and hold her against my chest. She starts to cry loudly and I let her; because I know she feels the emptiness too.

*Hope you enjoyed! This chapter was really weird. Idk if I like it, I may edit it later. But for now enjoy and tell me what your thinking! Love you guys! Byebye!💖*

Word Count: 1,035

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