Chapter 20

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*Hope you enjoy! I'm out of my first notebook, but I won't be putting this into a new one since this will be the last REAL chapter and then the epilogue. But enjoy!💖*


"She was pregnant."

My heart sits in my throat uncomfortably. Guilt crawls up my spine and I feel my ears burn. I grabbed Aniya's shoulders and pulled her into my chest. Her body shakes lightly as she cries.

"I'm so sorry," she sobs. "I know how you wanted a kid of your own."

"Baby, I'm happy with just you and Nova," I say. "Yes I do want another kid, but do not blame yourself for losing the baby. How did you lose the baby anyways?"

She sniffles a little. "Jasmine would beat me everyday, ended up throwing up blood. Then one day I started my period; which is weird because I haven't had mine in forever. So when I started, I knew something was wrong. I told Jenny and she saw that I had blood clots coming out of me; along with horrible period pains. Jenny looked it up and said that the only thing that matched with what I said, was a miscarriage."

She looked at me sadly. "I didn't know I was pregnant," she cried. "And I got beat every day so I never put two and two together. Are you mad at me?"

I smile at her and hold her face in my hands.

"Of course I'm not mad at you," I say. "I'm just happy that you're home and safe."

She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. The feel of her lips on my lips makes me so happy. I missed the way they felt.

"I love you," she whispers against my lips. "So much."

"I love you too," I say to her.

2 years later

"Come on mommy we're going to be late," Nova says in the backseat.

"I'm going, I'm going."

It's been two years since everything happened with Jasmine. I've healed just fine and have been on numerous television shows to tell how I was still alive. It was funny seeing people's reactions, they'd think they were going crazy most of the time. But Jenny only got a year of time since she helped Jasmine, and saved me. I didn't press charges though so she got out last December. Other than that, I graduated college early. Due to Jordan doing some of my work, and me qualifying for early graduation, I graduated last month on the 7th of May. That was just one of the best days of my life; the other day is going to be today. I'm getting married today and I'm such a nervous wreck it's ridiculous. Currently, I am going to be late for my dress time because I needed my coffee BUT my dress isn't AS hard to put on.

I pull into the church parking lot and sighed with relief that the parking lot is still empty; meaning, nobody decide to show up a half an hour early.

"Come on mommy, we gotta go get dresthed (little kid saying dressed)," Nova says as she knuckles herself.

"When did three year olds get so bossy?," I whisper to myself before grabbing my purse and coffee. "Come on Nova."

She grabs my hand and we walk into rhe church.

"There you are!," mom says grabbing my hand. "We have to get you ready!"

"I know, I know I'm sorry. I needed to stop to get my coffee," I say. "Lets go do this."

Mom pulls me into the room with Jenny, Bianca, and Amanda. Maria is at home getting ready for the wedding. She said she wanted to sit in the crowd and take pictures with my mom. I'm sat in a chair and Connor comes in with makeup and hair supplies.

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