Chapter 14

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"Good morning princess," I say as I pick up Nova and kiss her.

She smiles and pulls on my face.

"Let's go get you dressed."

I walk us over to her dresser and pull out a diaper, and her bunny jumpsuit. Then I grab her some socks and the baby lotion. I change her diaper on the changing table and then get her dressed. When I'm done, I put her hair in a tiny ponytail with a bow.

 When I'm done, I put her hair in a tiny ponytail with a bow

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"All done," I say picking her up. "You wanna go see Anca?" (Bianca)

She claps her hands and I walk us downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey," I say to Bianca.

"Hey," she says smiling. "Good morning Nova."

Nova reaches for Bianca and I give her to her.

"So where's Jordan at?," I ask.

"Oh he left to grab another notebook from the store," she says.

"Why a notebook?"

"He's doing Aniya's homework remember?"

"Oh yeah," I say. "So... what's going on between the two of you?"

She laughs. "What do you mean?"

"There's something going on between the two of you," I say. "I can see it."

She rolls her eyes. "What do you want for breakfast Nova?"

She walks away and I laugh.


"Here," Jenny says.

She puts down a tray of my food, drink, and now daily pain pill; along with an ice pack.

"Thanks," I whisper.

I put the ice pack on my eye. The beatings have gotten worse. I've been vomiting and spitting blood from the kicks. Jenny visits me more. Instead of just coming down to feed me, she also comes down and talks to me. She tells me what day it is and how long I've been here. And after every beating she brings me pain pills, water, and holds my hair when I throw up. Today felt different though.

"I'm sorry," she says quietly.

"What?," I cough out.

"I'm sorry," she says again. "I don't know what I got myself into."

I don't even know what to say to that.

"It's alright," I say, even though it kind of isn't.

"No its not," she says. "I never even knew you and I agreed to do this. Every day I realize how far you are from your family and I can't help but feel so much guilt. These past three months have been so hard and you are going strong. I'm so sorry for doing this. I should have never agreed to do this."

"Why did you?," I ask.

"Cause she told me she'd pay me," she says ashamed. "I needed the money for my art school so I didn't hesitate to say yes. I just didn't think all of this would happen."

I don't say anything is it hear the sound of the door opening. Jasmine prances down the stairs and glares at Jenny.

"What do you think you're doing?," she asks her.

"What you s-said," Jenny says. "I'm feeding her and preparing her for her next beating."

Jasmine stares at Jenny and smiles.

"Okay," she says. "Go, I have some business yo take care of."

Chills roll up my spine and I feel sick all over again. Jenny looks at me and then leaves quickly and quietly.

"Guess what," Jasmine says smirking. "Its almost Thanksgiving."

"Cool," I say quietly.

"Your family misses you a lot," Jasmine says. "Even Jordan, that sneaky son of a bitch. Thinking I knew he wasn't helping you. Just wait till I get my hands on him. He's going to be surprised when I already know. He'll be joining you soon."

I stare at her as I silently wish Jordan I had telepathy power's so I could tell him to run away.

"Stand up," she says.

I don't move one muscle.

"Now!," she yells.

I sit there and look at her. She stomps over to me and pulls me up by my hair.

"I told you to stand up!," she yells in my ear. "You never listen!"

Jasmine smacks my face and I fall back a little while her hand holds a strong grip on my hair. I fight back a scream of pain as she pulls harder.

"You're disgusting," she spits in my ear.

Relief moves through my head as she lets go of my hair. But before I can relax my muscles, Jasmine throws me to the floor. She kicks me and I feel my eyes start to water.

"You make me sick," she says. "You don't deserve to live here when you look like that."

Her words ringing in my ears as she leaves me on the floor in pain. I crawl over to the toilet and feel my body go numb as I throw up my stomach.

"I can't do this anymore," I cry out.

I move and lean up against the wall. Pulling my knees to my chest, I silently cry.


It's almost Thanksgiving. Earlier today Jordan told me he was going to talk about a plan with Jason. Said he needed to see if it'd work, and if it did then we would find Aniya. So he left and I'm about to leave for classes. I don't want to but I have to. Everyday it's getting harder for us. Hopefully Jordan finds Niya with this plan of his. I can't wait anymore. The separation is tearing both Nova and I down. I wish I knew if she was safe. But I know for a fact that she isn't. I just know I have to have hope.

*Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it took so long, I had writer's block but yeah I'm on spring break so let's see how this goes. I wrote this chapter 3 days ago but I have been too tired to type it. So there's that. Anyways, love you guys! ByeBye!💖*

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