Chapter 12

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"Good morning to the state of Tennessee," the news lady says. Let's get to business. Top story on the news this week AND last week, 19 year old Aniya Leslie Gilbert is missing. Police are investigating but there is no word about whether she's okay or not. If you see her please contact the FBI. Next top story on the news, a jailbreak occurred last week with Jasmine livestone. Police say she escaped last Wednesday at 10:30 p.m. . If you see this woman, please contact officials immediately. Next up-."

I turned off the TV and pull up the files on Jasmine.

*Knock, knock*

"Who is it?," I ask.


"Come in," I say.

Jordan walks in with two beers. He closes the door behind him.

"Thought you'd like one," he says handing me the beer.


"No problem," he says. "Now, why do you have that out?"

I sigh. "Because I don't know what to do.  I don't know if she's hurt and I'm worried sick about her. Finding Jasmine is thr only way for me to find Aniya."

"We're trying Matt," Jordan says. "Jason and his team are searching."

"I know," I say. "Hey I forgot to ask, but who was the girl that you had drop off that letter?"

Jordan laughs a little. "What do you mean?," he asks. "I never sent a letter."

"Yes you did," I say. "That girl Jenny dropped it off. The one that Aniya saw on-... top of me?"

"What Matt?"

"The girl Jenny said she had a letter for Aniya," I say.  So I took it and put it by the bed!"

I look at the end table and frown. "Where is it?"

I look behind the table and smile. "Got it," I say opening the letter.

"What does it say?," Jordan asks.

I unfold the paper and read the note aloud.

"Dear Ms. Piggy, I hope you are feeling safe and free right now, because once I take you, you will no longer feel those things," I read aloud. "Ryder and I have been planning ever since your goody-two-shoes ass wouldn't satisfy him, so I did. And once he told me about your life, I couldn't help myself. Ryder was just the beginning of my plan. Just you wait, I got a lot planned for you. You will never feel safe again, I got eyes on you at ALL times. Sincerely, Jasmine💖."

"She was watching her," Jordan said. "But ho-."

"Shhh," I say.

I look around the room.

"What?," Jordan whispers.

"Come with me," I say getting out the bed.

We leave the room and run downstairs. Everyone looks at us and I motion for them to follow. We walk outside and John closes the door.

"What's going on?," Bianca asks.

"She's watching us," I say.

"What do you mean?," Leena asks. "How do you know she is?"

I pull out the letter and read them the last sentence.

"You will never feel safe again, I got eyes on you at ALL times," I read out. "She had to of been watching Aniya with camera's because she said at all times."

"But how would she have gotten them in the house before she was out of prison?," Bianca asks.

"I don't know," I say chewing on my bottom lip. "Wait."

"What?," they ask.

"Jordan, about that girl Jenny, are you sure you dont know of one?," I ask him.

"Uh... No I'm sure," he says.

"Why?," Amanda asks.

"Cause the girl that was on me when Aniya walked in was named Jenny."

Everyone's faces show confusion; whereas, Bianca's face had a hard look of thought.

"What is it Bianca?," I ask.

"You said the girls name was Jenny?," she asks.

"Yeah why?"

"What'd she look like?," she asks.

"Uh... brunette with hazel eyes," I say. "Pale skin."

"Is she the girl that showed up at Cici's?," she asks.


Bianca sighs. "I'm so stupid," she says pulling out her phone.


"I knew that girl looked familiar," she says typing quickly on her phone.

"Bianca what's going on?," Jordan asks.

Bianca suddenly holds the phone up to our faces.

"She's Jasmines step sister."

*Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it took so long. School's been killing me, but don't worry, my spring break is almost here and I should be able to write then. And sorry this is a short chapter! Anyways, love you guys! Byebye!💖*

Word Count: 742

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