Chapter 151: Introduction, Miraya's Plan

Começar do início

With nothing more to speak, Raynare pushes the curtains open to see a Waitress standing there holding a plate containing maple syrup pancakes. "U-um," the blonde teenager stutters when meeting gaze with the taller woman in Raynare, who merely raise an eyebrow. Without a word said, she strides past the human and head for the exit.

Noel chuckles and smiles kindly at the human girl. "I see my pancake has finally arrived!" he says, snapping the girl's gaze back to him. She blushes and grins brightly "Yes, Sir! Sorry for the way" "Not a problem at all," Noel reply and watch her set the plate in front of him along with a glass of orange juice. "Looks delicious, thank you" "Enjoy your meal!"

Kuoh Academy

"Ok... So, why are we here?" Issei asks, scanning around to see everyone is present on the empty roof of Kuoh Academy. It is bright early in the morning and the first lesson of the day hasn't begun yet. "Yeah," Kokoro stop on her King's side, crossing her arms "What is everyone here?" "Well," Senna pops in and grin "Not everyone! I counted, and it seems Nawin-kun and Akeno-san aren't present."

"I wonder why Lucy told all of us to be here?" Misako wonders out loud "Must be something important," Rias inserts, smiling calmly "But what?" Misako then leans close to the Gremory to whisper "It can't be about the supernatural world stuff, right? Because Senna-chan and Momo-chan are here." Rias hums in agreement and nod before whispering back "Yes, I think we can rule that possibility out" "I wonder what it is..." "I certainly am blank on guesses."

As the chatter continues throughout the group for a moment. It all comes to a halt when the roof's door swings open, which sets all eyes to the direction and witness Lucy emerging out of the shadows with Aisa by her side. Lucy held Asia's hand to guide her up the stairs, considering the blind blonde can't handle the stairs well with her clumsy nature.

Lucy releases Asia's hand to give a wave at the crowd, a smirk plastered on her face. "Thanks for coming! I see everyone is present." "Well," Senna speaks up "Nawin-kun and Akeno-san are missing" "That was intentional, Senna-chan" Asia inserts with a bright smile. This information garners lots of confusion. "What's going on here, brat?" Riser speaks up, stepping to the front and glaring at the older Makasha "You are pulling some kind of prank here?" "Psh," Lucy snort "If that were my intention then I wouldn't plan it to be so obvious" "Then tell us what we are doing here?!"

Lucy's foxy smirk morph into a warm smile. "Everyone... The reason I called you all here is that Asia and I would like to introduce you to a very special person." Lots adopt a look of confusion by this announcement while Xenovia's and Yuuto's morph to shock then share a glance at one another. Lucy glance back at the still opened door "You can come out now!" she calls.

All eyes set at the shadow and footsteps echo out of the door. Emerging onto the roof is none other than Miraya Culdos. She stops between the Makasha's and offers a warm smile to the surprised group. Though some are more stunned than others. Specifically, the people that had an encounter with the Culdos.

"Whoa..." Issei is unable to let out a gasp of awe at this unknown beautiful girl. "How can someone be cute and gorgeous at the same time?" he whispers to Kokoro "Don't know," she replies, rolling her eyes "Good genes probably."

"You..." Rias steps out from the crowd to stop in the front, looking at the Culdos. "Ah," Miraya smile "We have met before, haven't we? I am noticing some people here that I had the pleasure of bumping into in the few days" she states. Miraya proceeds to give a polite bow before leaning back up "My name is Miraya Culdos... A dear childhood friend of Nawin Makasha" she introduced herself.

Rias along with everyone is left speechless by this unexpected information. All their wide eyes sets on the Culdos. Lucy is not taken aback by the stunned reaction. She predicted that this could be the case. 'After all... To most of them, Big bro's past is still an enigmatic one. Getting to meet Miraya all of a sudden... Who is a major part of that untold past will come to a shock,' Lucy glance at Miraya, and sees her just calmly smiling.

Highschool DxD: Adventure Of Black FlashOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora